IMR-4064 Temp Sensitive?


Oct 20, 2010
Working on a load for my 22-250 with a 55gr HPBT Gameking with IMR-4064 and it's showing great promise with this powder, I'm just down to tweaking the bullet seating depth. Is this powder very temp sensitive? We mainly coyote hunt after deer season ends when it's much colder than it is around here now.
I have used a variety of IMR powders (including IMR4064) for a number of years. All powders are temperature sensitive, some more so than others. It can get pretty cold here during the season, and I've never been terribly hindered by the use of IMR powders. It is always a good idea to shoot your load near the temperatures in which you will hunt, just to verify that all is Kosher.
I don't think so, I used that powder in a 375 H&H Magnum in Alaska and in Africa which in both cases had temp changes throughout the day with no effect in POI.

I'm pretty sure it's the powder used to duplicate the 7.62 NATO round so I doubt it would?
My experience tells me that my load for the 250 Savage shoots better in colder weather. I suppose it could be me but I have better groups in colder weather with that powder. CL