Is 280 Remington overkill for Coyote hunting?

If the purpose is to only terminate the coyote then there is no such thing as overkill.

If you plan to salvage fur from Wile E. then use the smallest you can.
I've shot 2 with my .280 and a 120 vmax as well as a couple targets of opportunity with 160 mag tips and partitions that were spotted during deer season. With the heavy bullets, the pelt was actually salvageable but still had a pretty decent exit hole, not poofed though. With the 120 gr. Vmax it was ugly... or beautiful... depends on your perspective. Ever seen "Aliens"? Chest cavity looked like that on a shoulder shot, the other was missing most of a head. Overkill? only if you want to make a hat. Got surprisingly good accuracy with that Vmax loaded to mag length (8X57mm max COL for my mauser sporter) and IMR 4350. Very flat shooting.
I think a .280 Rem and a 140g BT would make a great combo for coyotes. Several have fallen to my 7mm RM and 160g bullets.

Don't worry about overkill if you aren't saving the hides. Think about having fun and long range practice...
DrMike":1jdddhf5 said:
Are you wanting to collect the hide? The 280 isn't at all too much if you only want a dead coyote. Yes, the BT will open on a coyote; if it hits bone, it will do so violently.

Yep if all you care about is a dead 'yote, there ain't no such thing as overkill. I like coyote hunting for using neglected sweethearts who need love after a season of safe-queening it.