Is my 30-06 finicky? Or is it the powder?

joelkdouglas":2bm0u8gv said:
Thanks for all the comments.

The last elk I killed (at -5 F) was with a combo of IMR 4350 and an 180 AB. Then I read too much about IMR 4350's temp sensitivity, how there were better powders. Lucky for me, one of you guys (don't remember now) early on convinced me to purchase a keg of IMR 4350 for loading my 30-06. Thanks to whomever that was! After shooting the 5-shot group of IMR 4350 and 155 Custom Competitions yesterday into an inch in the coldish/wind, I think IMR 4350 seems just fine.

Thanks also for the comment about the 165s. I have used that load in the past also, but I am out of 165s right now. I could buy more (Cabela's has 165 PTs in stock), but that costs a bunch of money! I'll keep looking at SPS for 165 PTs and ABs.

Last night loading up the 57 grains IMR 4350 with the 180 ABs I couldn't get the bullets to seat as deeply as I wanted--the load was too compressed. I seated several bullets multiple times, and got the seating depth variance down to about 0.002. This morning before I head back to the range I'm going to load up some 56 grains IMR 4350, same 180 ABs, and I'll use a drop tube for the powder. Then I can get more consistent seating depth.

Thanks again gents. I hope to have some more results for you this evening!

I always used 56.0 grains IMR 4350 in my .30-06's because of fill density. The modern IMR 4350 powders that are presently made by Hodgdon are very temperature stable, even compared to H-4350. I read an industry test recently that stated IMR 4350 was one of the least sensitive powders between 80* and 30*F.
It is pretty amazing what IMR4350 can do for a 30-06. It shouldn't shoot 150 to 200 grain bullets as well as it does--that's a pretty broad range. But it does!

And after shooting my 155 load in cold weather, I'm not worried about IMR4350s temp resistance.

I will try out some 56.0 grain loads. 57 grains is too much--doesn't really give me seating depth options.
When considering velocities seen when a load is shot at different temperatures, I've always had thoughts about the performance of my chronograph. Engineers are pretty good at dealing with temperature swings but stuff doesn't always work as designed...and perfection in unattainable anyway.

Temperature sensitivity has always been very intriguing to me so I've paid a lot of attention to what is said about it. Years ago John Barsness made the claim that Ramshot powders were all temperature tolerant. I believe he said it like it was, at least in his own mind.

One day I spoke to a ballistician at Western Powders. He told me that a powder may be just about perfect in one cartridge but not in another. He went so far as to say that a powder might exhibit ideal temperature tolerance in a cartridge like .308, but disappoint in the 7 mm STW.

I wish someone would conduct a thorough study on the subject using good controls on a representative group of cartridges. I've threatened to do a bit if investigation on my own but just haven't seen it through. I attribute that to laziness.
Given your group size variations I had a question come to mind that is not related to temperature sensitivity.

How's the throat in your rifle? Are you at the point where you're chasing your rifling to maintain a consistent seating depth from the rifling? I've heard of folks running in to this issue as a barrel gets shot more and more and folks looking for supreme accuracy.

Just a thought.
Vince, it could be related. I still have plenty of throat left, though--I still can't load a 180 PT to SAAMI length (3.340 inches) without jamming the bullet into the lands. I can load 180 ABs to SAAMI length because it's a more sleek bullet.

However, before chasing a H4350/IMR4350 load I did re-check the distance to the lands. I established the AB seating depth based off the new lands distance.

I loaded up some more rounds to take out today, but it's really nice here. High of 58 and sunny, a bit breezy. I will probably take the kids out hiking instead! I can be miserable/smiling by myself at the rifle range some other day.

For the rounds I loaded up I made some OAL changes, loaded some 180 PTs with the same charge, and tried the standard LR and threw in some rounds with CCI BR primers. I think if they do in an inch I'll just say "good enough," load up some to prove the load, and take them elk hunting this fall. I'm pretty sure I'm thinking about this too much!
joelkdouglas":pbts2tu5 said:
I can be miserable/smiling by myself at the rifle range some other day.

I know EXACTLY the thoughts behind those words and I'm sure most everyone here does too. When I'm having one of those days where it's just not working, I tell myself "well, it's just data. I'm collecting data." Taking the long view knocks the edge off that disappointment.

Now if I could just figure out what all my data means...
In my .30-06, which is a Winchester M70 Featherweight, I have found RL17 to be my go to power in all bullet weights. This powder is not only the speed king for the .30-06 but it is insensitive to temperature changes. Virtually with the same burn rate as IMR-4350 I have had some fantastic groups using this powder. I will not print them here because they are all over book max but still safe in my rifle.

Happy shooting