Is there a better 6.5 CM for the money?

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
Thinking about maybe,
Getting ready to pull the trigger on a new Ruger American
Predator in 6.5 for mid $300 money.???Just to shoot LD targets to while away the winter months.
Is there a better value out there than the Ruger?
Tell me why not to buy one??
I would prefer a 6.5x55 Tikka but it is twice the money
So not nearly the bang for the buck!
Have you compared it to the Howa? Not sure of their pricing below the border...
I've picked up a couple of these- one in .223 for varmints and a LH 7-08 Compact for the boy.

Of all the "budget" rifles, these are easily my favorite. I've messed with a bunch now and all shot pretty well.
Interesting you would mention the Howa rifles.
I have researched them and was sorta reved up
About the new "Lightning" model which I guess
Redesigned with new trigger and comes in the more
Desireable 6.5x55! Same price as the American.
Only thing is I could not find "One" in 6.5 for sale in the USA!!!!! They had some back in hunting season..........
When I checked on Lagacys website it shows that model
HWR22302 as " waiting for stock from manufacture..... :x
So have no idea how loooong that wait may be.
Looks like they may have hit a homerun with this new model as it weighes in ONE pound less than their standard 1500 series. So if someone can find one, I would grab one just to do a field test???? :mrgreen:
Buds was selling them for $347 with free shipping..... :evil:
I'd get the RAR Predator to mess with E. I've got the 223 model and it shoots decent. I'm not Adam of the stock but it is serviceable and they are quite accurate. If you're just wanting to monkey around with it I cannot see you not liking it. Just don't expect it to be super pleasing to look at.
Ok thanks Scotty! I really not to worryed about looks....
I think i mentioned how blown away when I bought our head guide a new American in 243 as a bonus, and it easily out shot any gun i owned. I thought it was a total fluke at the time, but have since come to realize it was not.
The Venture also surprised me and it looks like it will shoot twice as good as they say it will!!!
I would rather have the x55 but the only other thing besides
Paper or plates I would probably use it for? Might be deer or coyote as a "lender" rifle for one of our hunters.
And cant imagine that the little Creedmoor wouldnt do either just fine. Everyone that shoots a 260 just raves about them and they appear almost identical......
If it was going to be the only gun I owned I would just buy the x55 to get the extra case capacity.....
But for what I am doing I bet tbe CM will work just fine!
I'd not hesitate to pick up the RAR. That sounds like a decent price; and the cartridge is most interesting. My 6.5 CM is a Hawkeye and BlkRam couldn't shoot (his hands were put on backward). I do need to work with it more.
Gil, I got to check out that new 6.5CMof yours while I was up visiting Mike and I thought it looked fine in my hands which again didn't look backwards to me :wink:!
The 260 or 6.5X55 is something that I could really get comfortable with :mrgreen:

I was looking at the RAR in 6.5 CM as well. Took the 3-9 Leupold Rifleman off my 270 wsm and sent it back to Leupold because it would not focus. Ended up buying another scope for my 270 wsm while waiting for Leupold and now I will need another rifle when my Leupold comes back. Can't have a scope sitting around not mounted to a rifle.

Let us know what you get and how it works for you.
sask boy":wl9flpry said:
Gil, I got to check out that new 6.5CMof yours while I was up visiting Mike and I thought it looked fine in my hands which again didn't look backwards to me :wink:!
The 260 or 6.5X55 is something that I could really get comfortable with :mrgreen:


Dan, you would think that with his medical training, the good Dr would be able to tell if someone's hands were on backwards!

I think every right handed shooter should have to spend a hunting season shooting with a left handed rifle, so as to appreciate what we have had to endure shooting right handed rifles for so many years.

Although it is fun to tell Mike that only a shooter in his "right mind" can truly master shooting firearms of all varieties! Ever see a right handed shooter shoot a left handed rifle for the first time? It is worse than watching a monkey with a math problem! LOL

As for the cartridge, I really enjoy the 6.5's (260, Creedmoor, Swede and the x284). You cannot go wrong with any of these. I own the first two currently, but have owned all 4 at various times. Will get all 4 together to do some load development and pick an overall favourite. At this point due to having the most experience with the Swede, it is my favourite.
Now Gil, you know full well that I did load development for quite a number of lefties. Managed to turn out some fine work, even if they do shoot backwards. As for monkeys doing math problems, I never witnessed that. :? I did witness a few math problems making monkeys out of students. :shock:
Well I am running into a unusual problem.................. none of my wholesale firms have the Rugers in stock in 6.5 , word is Ruger claims they underpriced the Predators and are swamped with orders to fill.
They couldnt even give me a date to expect them so looks like winter should be over before they will even get them back in stock..................
One outfit offered me an super deal in a 7mm08 , so good infact I started looking at them with a 150/162gr Vld or Noslers LR and by gosh they are nothing to snuffle at either.................WoW
May have to go in a different direction ! :mrgreen:
Back in the day, and to an extent now, the 7mm-08 was one of the top picks for metallic silhouette shooting out to 500 meters. So, for your listed purpose of shooting long distance targets, the 7-08 wouldn't be a horrible choice and you would have a significant number of suitable bullets to pick from.

Plus, for other deer sized and smaller critters, the 120 BT is hard to beat and for larger ones, a 140 BT/AB would be worth looking at. Just my opinion.

DrMike":cv5szzpn said:
Now Gil, you know full well that I did load development for quite a number of lefties. Managed to turn out some fine work, even if they do shoot backwards. As for monkeys doing math problems, I never witnessed that. :? I did witness a few math problems making monkeys out of students. :shock:

I can definitely relate to be being made into a monkey trying to do calculus as a kid! Was my worst subject. Applying it to ballistics as an adult while studying for my power engineering helped me learn it finally. It all comes down to perspectives and relativity to interest and applying it where it makes sense.
that is darn good advise! Also here is an update:
After contacting 4 wholesalers yesterday, once again, I could not find a single 6.5 Ruger to buy!!!! But in the search I did found out, that T/C just anounced at the shot show, their new Compass rifle, is now available in 6.5 !
But until they are shipping them?? Couple months?? So
I grabbed a smokin deal on a "Patriot in 7mm08" to play
With at 6,8,1000 yds. ( 150/162gr ELDs???) Just for fun.
It comes with a fluted bolt and barrel,match trigger.
So I am just going to wait; and buy the Compass ,in 6.5 as soon as they ship them. Hoping because it has the same 5 groove barrel, that it will shoot,As good as my Venture does???.
Would be perfect for one like this!IMAGE00032.jpg
+1 the 6.5x55 HOWA. Bought first HOWA 1500 last summer. Impressed with value for money. Sub MOA and nice trigger. Love the Swede.