It just ain't right!

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
Buying and playing with rifles of different calibers and types has been my lifelong passion. My only justification is that I do occasionaly go thru periods of cleansing when I sell what I didn't like or use. There were seven rifles in this "Cleansing" (I hate to use the word selling ) and I made the decision and listed them. So far so good. THEN, I started browsing thru this forum and hear about all the fun people are having with the exact same calibers, and sometimes models, that I'm selling. The next think I know I'm rushing to the Gunbroker site to pull the rifles back that havn't sold because I miss them.
I have owned relatively few rifles in my lifetime, compared to many folks. (Everyone has owned few compared to Fotis!) One of the reasons I've owned so few is exactly this reason - I can't stand the thought of selling a gun, especially after I've bonded with it through handloading, shooting, and hunting with it. In fact, I've only ever sold one gun. It was a 7mmRemMag Remington which never would shoot worth a crap and gave lackluster velocities from it's 26" barrel. By lackluster I mean it gave pressure signs at 2800fps with 160gr bullets, and at 2700 for 175s. It should have been capable of 3100 & 2950fps respectively, in that barrel length. So I sold it off after much deliberation (to a guy who wanted a donor for a project) and have wanted another 7mmRemMag since.

I totally understand, Greg. Good luck with the agonizing!
I am of the same mind; to sell or trade those I have but do not use for a long period. It is easier to justify those sales, when the $$ goes for another one to fill an empty cabinet space. (or, perhaps, that spot under the bed). I once managed to get one rifle back I felt badly about selling, by having that friend trade up with me from that post '64 to a BAR. Well, I have actually sold that one a second time now, to a friend who once said..."If you ever sell that rifle, be sure to let me know". Bought another 336ER with the $$.

Keep what you like, buy what you want & like and sell the ones that never get range or woods time! :wink:
I'm no different. Sold some I wish I hadn't, pulled some gun ads (seller remorse) to only rethink it and post them again later.

Ah, another realization that they are, or close to becomming a member of the dreaded "boomerang club". I have many due's in that one!
I've only ever sold two guns, both revolvers. One, a Dan Wesson .44 Magnum that developed problems when trying to shoot DA (and I ouldn't find anyone to work on it). Actually traded it for a Smith 629. The second was a Ruger Vaquero .44-40 that I never even shot, traded it for some goose dekes.
OK, I went outside and worked on the tractor and the water system. I am NOT going to look at the RIFLE posts. I will re-list some of the rifles. But only because I realy want a Kimber 84m Montana in 338 Federal. I need it, I want it! Either the rifle or help. :roll:
Am giving some serious thought to cutting my center fire rifles back to the .308, .25-06 and maybe the .204 Ruger.

The .30-06 would go to my youngest son, since he's developed quite a bond with that rifle.

I don't need the others. Not even the .375...

We'll see how long that thought sticks around. I'm a deer hunter, don't need anything bigger & more powerful.
Guy Miner":d7lk1hzw said:
Am giving some serious thought to cutting my center fire rifles back to the .308, .25-06 and maybe the .204 Ruger.

The .30-06 would go to my youngest son, since he's developed quite a bond with that rifle.

I don't need the others. Not even the .375...

We'll see how long that thought sticks around. I'm a deer hunter, don't need anything bigger & more powerful.

What happens when you actually draw that coveted bull elk tag? Or something cool like a moose tag? Take that heavy .308 or give the 25-06 a chance.

I personally hardly ever sell anything. I always try to add to my collection. If nothing else it's kind of like a bank account for my kids (or at least that is my new justification since having kids). Who knows I might sell some stuff off one day and use it to go hunting all over. There's nothing like spending your kids inheritance or so I've been told.
Yeah, I have ridded myself of the rifles I don't actually use and have built up a stronger safe of rifles I really like to shoot. My issue is putting scopes on them now. That is darned near as much or more than some of my rifles. While not a totally bad deal, it is hard to get them fully kitted out to the way I like them. Then, come Fall, I gotta pick favorites.. I like to let close family/friends use some of them, just so they get some field time. I figure if I am assisting others, it'll pay off as I will get to see how my loads worked and see the enjoyment of them taking game with them.
"What happens when you actually draw that coveted bull elk tag? Or something cool like a moose tag? Take that heavy .308 or give the 25-06 a chance."

The .308 went on a bit of a diet last year and shed a couple of pounds, it could easily lose another by changing out the scope rings & mount and the scope. I've carried it afield many times on hunts. That would be my "everything bigger than deer" rifle. Not too many years back, all I had was it and the 6mm Rem. The .30-06 was stashed at Dad's house. I just hunted with the .308 for a few years.

I'm not in any big hurry to sell off a bunch of guns - but time to time it gets tempting to just get down to a couple, rather than a fleet of 'em.

Regards, Guy
Greg Nolan":15hhilro said:
OK, I went outside and worked on the tractor and the water system. I am NOT going to look at the RIFLE posts. I will re-list some of the rifles. But only because I realy want a Kimber 84m Montana in 338 Federal. I need it, I want it! Either the rifle or help. :roll:

That should make a very fine purchase without a doubt. Although I no longer own a Kimber, they are fine rifles. I am a big fan of the .338 Fed and along with the Montana, it should be a very light & useful combination, without a doubt! :mrgreen:
I seriously need to thin the herd, I still have guns i bought back in the 1960's, that's early 1960's to be exact. I'm not getting any younger and frankly am just about half way into my 7th decade.
I have guns I haven't shot in years so am seriously thinking of selling them off. The handguns are a different matter. I used most of them as educational tools in the Arizona Hunter Education program so while I'd like to get rid of most of them, they have to stay. Decisions, decisions, decisions. :(
Paul B.
Good Lord, I have owned (28) Model 70 Winchesters, (20) Winchester or Marlin levers, (10) commercial Mausers counting Sako's, Beretta Mato's and Brownings Safari's. Plus who knows how many Remingtons and Rugers and H&R's etc (at least 12)! That does not even count CZ's, Mannlichers, Czech Mausers etc., etc! Military conversions, you name it.