I've been holding out.


Feb 14, 2007
I must admit that I have been keeping a secret from most of you for a while. I didn't want to show her off till I knew that it was worhty of getting to meet all you guys. I must say I believe she had earned it. I know the rifle pics are not the best, I'll work on getting some beter ones. Would help if I didn't used my dang cell phone camera I think.

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The rifle weighs 8.25 lbs ready to hunt. feels real good in my hands, and doesn't look to bad. The trigger is a worked over factory trigger set to 3 lbs. I got big plans for this thing being a major deer and speed goat slayer for a long time!
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This was the best group that I have been able to get out of it yet, but I think RL-25 is to slow for the 130 BT. I was able to break 3400 with RL-22 and the 130 BT, but I have not got those dialed good enough to show off yet.

I used RL-25 for the 140 AB, and again I think I can get some more fps out of it with Magpro, or RL-22, but I'm currently out of 140 ABs :( If eiother one of them shoot nearly as good as RL-25 did and get me over 3200 fps I'll be one happy camper! Its good enough now, over 3200 would just be a nice bonus.

I had it throated so that a 140 AB touches the lands at 2.930" This leaves me lots of room in the mag. The theory was also that it would allow me to put more of a slower burning powder into the case and get a few extra fps out of it. We'll see I guess. I wasn't getting any psi issues with RL-25 yet.

During break in I was using some 140 SP bullets that I had laying around. I was using a mild load of RL-19 doing 2980. The last second to the last break in shot took a doe at over 400 yards, right through both front shoulders and the heart. The last break in shot was a yote, also over 400 yards. This thing has a pretty good track record so far!
I believe that might just work out. It looks good from initial impressions. Good looking rifle, Jake.
Thanks Mike. I was wanting a Winchester Extreme Weather, but for just a few more $ I got this one built. The stock is the same one they use on the EW. Pretty sure if I wanted to drop some weight off of it I could put a McMillan Edge, and a lighter scope on it and be under 7.5 lbs. But I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Don't you use RL-17 with 130 weight bullets out of yours? Hows that working out for you? I have a bottle sitting on my bench I might have to try.
I am indeed using RL17 and 130 grain E-Tips. So far, the load has accounted for two moose, a fine bull elk and a couple of whitetails at ranges varying from ~30 yards to ~250 yards. The accuracy is excellent, giving me 0.25 inch groups consistently. I'm pleased with this load.
You sure do well with that 130 ET. As nice as the 270 WSM is to shoot I have had a few thoughts of not needing a 338 WM for elk. Seeing you dropping moose like flys with yours doesn't help either :lol:
I've certainly stressed the 130 E-Tip with some close shots. One moose was about 30 yards and the other was about 80 yards. I didn't recover a bullet in either instance. The first one was shot twice. The initial shot was through the chest from the front. When the bull turned to run, I hit him again from the side. The first bullet was somewhere in the rumen; the second was a complete pass through. The second moose was shot quartering away, and the bullet penetrated the body cavity completely. The only bullet I've recovered was from a bull elk shot at 174 yards. It gave complete penetration and ~98% recovered weight. I'll likely continue to use this bullet.
Nice, man!

I see Mr. Blagg post on the 'fire every once in a while, and I've been thinking about checking out some of his work. What do you think?

Congratulations on the new stick. She looks great and should be a real shooter for you.

BK":9fposafq said:
Nice, man!

I see Mr. Blagg post on the 'fire every once in a while, and I've been thinking about checking out some of his work. What do you think?

Well I'll say this, he's doing my next project. I'm very happy with him. He does it for a hobby, his rates are very reasonable. He is great to talk to, I talked to him on the phone several times before I started the build and he never seemed to get upset about talking to me a bunch before we even started anything. He put the barrel on ATM's savage 284, and I have shot a 6.5-284 that is a one hole gun the he built as well. I really like the fact that I can be at his shop in 25 minutes also. He took the time to show me around his shop and grabbed an action and explained everything that he does, how he does it, and why. A buddy of mine builta 300 WM on a savage using a Shillin bull barrel, and it looked like a crome bumper. We called him on the way back from elk camp, and stopped in on our way and he had it bead blasted and looking good. In 20 minutes we were on our way back home.

I guess the biggest turn on for me is he does it because he loves it and takes pride in his work. He doesn't need to do it for a living. And he is local like I said above.

I've been doing a lot of trading and such lately so I should have my next project up and running mid feb. He is doing it also, so I'll have more to say about his work then.
That is a very nice looking rifle. Must have been that 300 WSM you were trying to get rid of earlier?

Yep. Had it in my head that I had to have the claw extractor. Couldn't find one so I just used the action I had. Works great.
Well that's awsome. Will have to remember him no decent tunesmith in the Tri-cities that I know of.

Jake, awesome rifle! I think that rifle should get alot of field time. It just looks like it is meant for business. I love the 270WSM and man, it is a great performer with alot of different bullets. I think as you work with RL22 and Magpro, you will see it really works out great with the 150's and probably with the 140's as well. Haven't messed with the 140's too much for handloading, but I shot them for awhile in the Winchester Supreme line and they were excellent. Very fast and accurate outta my rifle. I still think the 270WSM is just about as good as it gets for an all around FAST rifle. My pick would be the Whelen and 270WSM if I were ever cornered!

Now, get to work on your Guide Rifle! Scotty
Jake, did you have the barrel fluted by PacNor, or by Mr. Blagg?
Very nice rifle, I am glad that the accuracy is starting to pull together for you as well. It has been my observation, that most .277 based cartrides will shoot, given good bedding and a good barrel. The Model 70 would be my choice for a project rifle as well. It would be the sentimental favorite in any event and CRF just makes it better. Great looking project rifle.