Just double checking 30-06 load


Dec 2, 2010
I am going to load up a few 30-06 rounds.

Rem brass (annealed)
Win LR primer
180gr AB

57.0/57.5/58.0 grains are the charges I plan on using.

Does this look right? 57.5 is max in 2 of my books and I shot 58gr BT out of the rifle before with no issues.
Different lot numbers of powders and different chambers will yield different pressures.
Even though you have shot the higher charge, make sure you drop down a few grains and work up when you get a new batch of powder.

This is the same batch of powder that I used with the 180 BT. I will drop down and rework the load.
I'd shoot them! Pretty tough to run into pressure problems with 4350 and the 30-06.

Yes, I know what I just posted is very irresponsible. You should listen to Dr. Mike!
I just recently did a load work up with my 30-06 and H4350 with 180gr Partitions and started to show pressure sign at 56grs. Very slight, but enough to say 55.0grs will be as high as I want to pust it. Nosler Manual #7 shows 56.5grs as max load. I am with the others start lower and work it up. Safety first.
I would say if changing any component to re work your load. That being said 57 gr of h4350 in an '06 is almost as common as 60 gr of 4831 in the 270 win.
I can't speak readily to the 180s, having not tried them in my -06, but I've found 59gr of H4350 to be a max charge in my rifle with 165/168gr BTs. I'd be sure to drop back and work up from a start charge a little lower than 1gr below your anticipated max. If it were me, I'd start at 53-54gr.