Just finished my new rifle


Sep 30, 2004
FInally finished up my "big" rifle. Its a remeington 700 chamered in 375 RUM. Started out as a rustbucket 8mm mag. Screwed on a new shielen barrel and dropped it into a High Tech Specialties stock. Parkerized the metal and gave the stock a coat of zolotone. Turned out really well. A set of warne maxima bases and Q/D rings and a nikon monarch 3-9x40 that I had laying around to finish it out. I'll probably replace the nikon with a little better glass down the road. Finished out at a nice 7lbs 9oz scoped. thats about right for a walking hunting rifle. Recoil wasnt bad but I haven't gotten a chance to shoot for accuracy yet. Hopefully I'll get a chance to shoot a bear with it before they all go to bed for the year.

Going to try out some 270gr TSX @ 2900fps or maybe some 260 accubonds, should be a shooter.

That looks really good! Should be a big time killer for sure! Good luck with it, hope you get to dump a bear. Scotty
Very nice indeed!
Let us know how she shoots. 375 RUM will be a hammer on bear and anything else you hunt.

Super Sweet. Try 260 gr accubonds with 99 gr of IMR 7828. 2995 fps and 1/2 moa from my buds BDL.
I loaded up 10 270gr TSX with H4350 95.0grs. I'll see how they work out. This is the same load I test fired for function with and they worked flawlessly. Range was closed due to "alaska day" so didn't get a chance to shoot it yet.
Very nice job, I am fond of snythetic stocks, and bead blasting. Hope it shoots very well.
I found a load that my new rifle seems to shoot pretty well. A near maximum charge of H4350 and 270gr TSX for 2940fps. Last group I shot with it friday was just under an inch for 3 shots. Thats plenty good enough for me. According to the spot on calculator program nikon has the BDC should be about perfect out to 550 yards at 7x. Going to take it out and give it a try on caribou tomorrow and tuesday. Hopefully we will run into a griz or some wolves too. Its been pretty cold so I doubt that we will be seeing any bears but I'll be ready if you do see any.

Thank god for lead sleds. THe sled made load development a lot more fun, but I consistantly shoot to the right when using the lead sled. Recoil continues to be quite "brisk" so I have ordered a vias break for it. I'll make a knurled cap for use while hunting. I also picked up some 260gr Accubonds to try to work up a good long range load with. So far so good, I think this rifle is a keeper. An odd side note, I shot some of my best groups off sandbags instead of using the sled.
Wow - that's quite a rifle!

Glad you are getting some good accuracy, and yes, I'd want a muzzle brake on that beast too. The 270 TSX should work great, I keep reading terrific reports about them on big bears and moose and African game as well. Your RUM will push a 260/270 class bullet really hard...

That is one heck of a rifle... Enjoy!
Man, that sounds like a beast. Glad it is shooting so well for you. Scotty
Got the Vias brake installed and put a front sight with fiber optic bead and XS sights back up peep/base. Just need to reparkerize it. I'll post some more picts once its finished. Accuracy with the peep is good, three shots at 25 yards just at the bottom of a 1" dot target touching. 3 shots at 100 yards showed a 2.5" group nestled around the bullseye.

Recoil with the vias brake on is about 40% less than it was prebrake. Even with the break shooting it without the scope attached is pretty brisk, it only weighs about 6.5 pounds without the scope on it. The break and sights added a little bit of weight, its close to 8lbs now.
Being that light, I should imagine that the recoil is "brisk." However, it sounds as if the brake is making it manageable. It does sound as if it will be a quick handling, hard hitting rifle for your use. The accuracy potential is obviously there.
I think you put together what I consider the new 'classic' (or it will be someday). The best in components and finish using what is available today and maybe wasn't 40 years ago, without any weird Star Wars curves or lines :grin:

I found that unless a lead sled or any other holding device provides the same amount of travel and resistance to the buttstock that my shoulder does, bullets don't group or hit the same POI. Close, though. It must be free to move just like it does when shooting in the field. They do help a lot with load development, sighting in, and long range sessions. I just shoot off bags to verify before going hunting. YMMV.