My Winchester model 70 hunting rifle "project"...FINISHED!!!

Vortex Crossfire has been redesigned recently, maybe the new ones are made in the Philippines?
IIRC, the Vipers are made in the Philippines, the Razors are Japanese, and the Crossfire line is made in China.
Tough to be patient Ridge, but remember all good things are worth waiting for :wink:. I know exactly what you are going through and it was not fun for me either.

I caved in to the pressure today...I called and asked about my stock, LOL....couldn't help myself.

She was as nice as could be...told me they are currently running at about 4.5 months on the stocks...mine IS almost done, still needs to be finished.

Should certainly have it around the end of the month.

I was up till 0330 this morning looking at McSwirly's on the about gun porn!

Had to do something to ease my mind... :wink:
Here, let me help a little... LOL














Ridgerunner665":3j0jdlr9 said:
I just got the stock is on its way!!!

This should be a great build. I am definitely looking forward to the finished product.
This day just keeps getting better!!!

I just found out my uncle that I hunt on has acquired some more land adjoining the current property...our lil hunting paradise just grew to almost 900 acres!!!

The corn did good this year, deer everywhere, rifle will soon be finished...LIFE IS GREAT!!!

Come on huntin season...just 20 more days.

Them are some fine lookin rifles you have there...The UPS tracking says my stock will be at my house next Thursday...I'll see if I can get my wife to send me some pictures of it.
I love it when a plan comes together... :mrgreen:

According to UPS tracking my stock is on the last leg of its journey and will be at my house tomorrow...

Its been a very long year trying to get this rifle together in time to hunt with it this season, but I managed to get it done

Now I'm just ready for a long vacation, LOL...10 days coming soon though (Nov. 15- Nov. 26)...The corn did good, deer everywhere, and an accurate rifle...should make for an interesting season.

It might be "just a 30-06"...but its mine, and I like it...time and $$$ well spent. This one is the last for me, this 30-06 will serve my big game hunting needs for the rest of my days. I may upgrade my varmint rifle (243) sometime but it won't be anything fancy...I have decided not to convert this rifle to 280 AI...the 280 is just not enough "more" to justify the trouble and costs in my opinion...then there is that ammo availability, just call me Mr. 30-06 :mrgreen:

From here on out...I'll be spending my money on hunting, not guns! (<<< Phase 2 of "The Plan")

I'm hoping I can swing a trip every other year or so from here on out...whatever I can get...mule deer, elk, goats, sheep, speed goats, what else is there, LOL?

I need to figure out where my best chances of getting tags are...any help there would appreciated...because from what I gather the process is not like it is for deer (just go and buy them)...I have plenty of time to figure this stuff out though, I'm starting this from scratch right now ($0 in the hunting fund)
I need to figure out where my best chances of getting tags are...any help there would appreciated...because from what I gather the process is not like it is for deer (just go and buy them)...I have plenty of time to figure this stuff out though, I'm starting this from scratch right now ($0 in the hunting fund)

Wyoming for speed goats OTC.
Colorado for elk OTC.
Sheep and Goats have deep pockets.
Mule deer any state with a prefrence point system.
Alaska for Moose.
Thank You!!!

This stuff quickly gets confusing...that was pretty plain though...

I take it OTC is "over the counter"?

Colorado is one of the few places I've ever seen a bighorn...just a few miles west of Denver, running right along I70...big ole ram...trying to find a place to head up the rocks.

The other is in the Black Hills...but thats a long story about a 12' width restriction on I90...not supposed to be in the Black Hills area with oversize loads, LOL...I hauled a John Deere 9770 combine through there (13' wide, 14' tall)...OOPS!
Ridgerunner665":31g2gppm said:
Them are some fine lookin rifles you have there...

Thanks, man. I may have gone a little overboard when I was working out of town and had a lot of money and down-time... :roll:
My stock has arrived...she sent me some pics while I had her taking measurements ...I'm gonna wait until I get home to do the photo shoot, but I'll post one picture in the meantime...
