Kids got their goats!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Went out this morning. it was the kids' turn.

Stephan (my boy) and Brian and Brandon---my buddy's boys.

Stephan tagged out pronto.

325 wsm 200 gr NP ar 2900 fps. Harvested at 419 yards....


Brian took one at 252 yards with 25-06 and 117 Hornadt BT at 3150 fps. Then Brandon took a nice buck at 391 yards. 243 with 100 grain sierra.


All loads courtesy! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Congratulations to the boys for some fine shooting and a couple of fine antelope. Good job on the ammunition, Fotis.
Hi Fotis, thank you for the photos :)
Tell the boys they did a great job but I didn't expect anything other than that with you helping them out :wink: . It was a great day for you, your son and your buddies. Keep up the great work!!

Congratulations to the guys on their pronghorns, any pictures of the 3rd buck?

Congratulations to the boys, they did great!
Stephan is a chip off the old block, using big bores at looooong range.Way to go Stephan!

gerry":33ru7j9f said:
Congratulations to the guys on their pronghorns, any pictures of the 3rd buck?

It will be posted today. Lloyd is sending the pictures.
Here is Brian and his buck.
And my girl Anna helping him drag after she helped gutting.


Great hunt for them. Congrats all around.
The reloader and the shoooters got it together.
Well done Dad! The boys look happy. Good looking goats. Did you ever find a 7mm-08 for Anna? When does Dad get to punch his tag? Looks like you had fun! CL
Great shooting by them boys Fotis! Awesome goats. They did really well! Scotty
You're truly blessed with a beautiful family there man. And what a beautiful land they're able to hunt! That is awesome!

Great shooting on all counts. Thanks for sharing this; I love seeing these kids hunting!
Awesome, start em young. Good looking bucks for all and some impressive shooting at fair ranges aswell. NICE.