Last chance moose/caribou hunt


Sep 30, 2004
I took a couple days off work this weekend to get in a last shot at caribou and moose this year.

My earlier hunt this year was plagued by weather and bears and scattered bou. The caribou herds were scattered, high, and far from the road in my normal areas.

I went to a cabin on Denali highway with a couple buddies. Unfortunately the herds were still scattered and distant, but small bands had been moving thru the area so there was some hope.

The first day found us covering a lot of ground, getting up high and glassing large valleys and hillsides. While the weather was good and we were overlooking some of the most beautiful country in the world, it was also empty. A few ravens and little brown birds were all we saw that first day.

The second day started out as much of the same but we spotted a lone cow across a large valley. We watched the cow for the better part of the hour. My buddies were holding out for a big bull but the meat hunter in me just couldn't resist taking a shot at meat in the freezer.

I had a good avenue of approach in a mostly dry wash that would bring me up to a small rise that should put me in range. I hoofed it the 3/4 mile across the valley floor and crept up the small rise peeked over the top to see the caribou laying 311 yards away on another small rise.

I settled in on a small sandy hump of a parka squirrel den, it made for a great prone shooting position with my bipod sinking into the soft sand giving my the most solid shooting position I have ever had in the field.

She never got out of her bed, the Berger 168 classic hunter did as advertised, punched in behind the shoulder and broke the offside leg at the elbow.

It was the first time hunting with the suppressor and I must say it was amazing. Zero recoil, easily watched the impact, about as much noise as a 22lr and a more noticeable thump of bullet impact.


I walked over and started dressing the caribou expecting my buddies to have heard the shot and bring the wheelers over. Apparently they never heard the shot and they didn't show up until I was nearly finished.

As we were loading up the cow a small bull appeared over the edge of a hill hobbling badly on its front leg. My friends little brother decided to go get it and asked to borrow my rifle. It was pretty cool watching him sneak up to a shooting position. He looked to be fumbling for a minute, then took his shot. Watching from several hundred yards away it was really neat. I saw the caribou buck and stumble a few yards and drop before I heard the sonic crack echoing off the mountain behind him. It made for quite the delay. He hit it right thru the heart. Being his first caribou we told him he had to take a bite out of the heart.


He didn't follow thru!

Today I was going to hunt in the morning hoping for a chance at s moose and then head home to process this cow before work on Monday morning.

First thing out of the gate I spotted a pair of big bull caribou about 800 yards away on a sloping hill over a river. I grabbed my buddy and we got set up at 409 yards, it was farther than he felt comfortable. I wanted to move up 80 yards to a small knoll that would give us 300-320 yard shot. It would have been perfect, we had the wind and they were unaware. Had I not tagged out the day before I would have been punching my ticket right there.

My buddy wanted to try to get in front of them and let them walk right to us. We gave it a shot but they busted us before we could get in position and high tailed it out of the area. We tried to chase them down, to get above a natural escape route hoping to catch them there. A wise old hunter once told me "you can't catch a caribou", he was right again! Not all was lost, I got some much needed exercise. Running around in that boggy tundra is tiring as hell!

Now I've got my meat hanging in my shed with a fan on it and will have a full day of cutting, grinding, and bagging tomorrow.

As the great Fred bear once said...

" A hunt based only on trophies taken falls far short of what the ultimate goal should be. "

Beautiful country, decent weather, and great company. I think I squeezed about as much out of that weekend as you can!




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Congrats! Thanks for sharing those terrific photos - and your thoughts on hunting with your interesting rifle & bullet combo. Very cool. I've not yet hunted with a suppressed rifle, but have shot a few of them over the years. Maybe it's time for me to invest in a .30 caliber can of some sort... Hmm...

Glad the Berger worked well for you, I've used Bergers a few times and they did just fine.

Regards, Guy
We felt as though we were with you as you set up and then took the shot. Excellent. Glad you have the 'bou in the freezer.
Very nice! I'm hoping to finish up caribou over the next couple of weeks. Bullwinkle simply didn't show up for me this year in a spot I could shoot him.

I did some shooting with a suppressor earlier this year. Yeah...I gotta have one of those.
Congratulations on your successful hunt. Beautiful country!

It was a long busy day. Ended up getting 15 quarts of canned caribou, 12 1/3 pound burger patties, 37 pound and a half bags of burger mixed 80/20 with bacon ends, and a years supply of dried scraps dog treats. E are also trying our hand at bone broth this year and have had the bones boiling all day. Sure smells good! A good productive day.





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That promises to be an excellent harvest of foods for the winter. Some fine meals are promised from that hunt. Congratulations.
Thank you TB for the post and wonderful photos as was previously stated I felt like I was there right beside you.
To bad you didn't get your Moose this year but hopefully the caribou will bring some tasty meals this winter (y).
Thanks again for the post.

I'm so jealous! Congrats on a great hunt! Caribou and Moose are at the top of my dream hunt list for sure!
They are a lot of fun to hunt. I'm hoping they open it to another tag before the end of the year. They want 10k killed and only at 2700 now

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Found a piece of that 168 Berger classic hunter. At least a good portion of the bullet exited.

The cow was bedded 311 yards away slightly quartering away. Shot entered center of chest and exited in front of elbow on off side.




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Nice caribou. I'm curious how much meat do you get off of a cow? Got to say that looks tasty..........
I didn't weigh it but rough estimates.

60 pounds of burger
15 pint jars of canned ~ 15-16 pounds
Tenders and back straps ~ 15 pounds or so
~ 2 pounds shredded meat from bone broth neck/leg meat
6 quarts bone stock

92-93 pounds minus 12 pounds of bacon scraps from burger I'd say roughly 80 pounds. Another 10 pounds of scraps turned into 4-5 pounds of dried dog treats.

One thing I'm very proud of this year is we wasted virtually nothing. Aside from the head and hide we have a stripped rib cage, 10" is spine, a pelvis , and four hooves left, I trimmed what I could off it and between my dog and a few magpies there is only bones left!

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That's a great harvest. Thanks for sharing. I really do enjoy processing my own venison. Maybe enjoy isn't the right word, but when I'm done I know that I got the best meat out of the animal I could properly cared for, trimmed, and packaged in the freezer. It's satisfying work.
Thebear_78":2jhsh0kc said:
I didn't weigh it but rough estimates.

60 pounds of burger
15 pint jars of canned ~ 15-16 pounds
Tenders and back straps ~ 15 pounds or so
~ 2 pounds shredded meat from bone broth neck/leg meat
6 quarts bone stock

92-93 pounds minus 12 pounds of bacon scraps from burger I'd say roughly 80 pounds. Another 10 pounds of scraps turned into 4-5 pounds of dried dog treats.

One thing I'm very proud of this year is we wasted virtually nothing. Aside from the head and hide we have a stripped rib cage, 10" is spine, a pelvis , and four hooves left, I trimmed what I could off it and between my dog and a few magpies there is only bones left!

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That's pretty good, lots of meat for you guys and the dog is pleased too with his scraps :)