Lesson Learned. Gun go boom!

I don't see the value of these reduced loads anyway.
But Ia frend double charged a round for my 45 ACP about 25 years ago. Split the wooden grip, but the colt was fine.
My loading procedure helps to eliminate this.
I weigh every single charge on my electronic scale and seat the bullet right after.
there is no sure fire method but so far so good.
Rifle or pistol i always look at them in good light before I seat a bullet, and yes i have missed some cases but I take care of that and no probems so far.
When I load Bullseye in my .357 I load one round at a time.
Prime a case
weigh a charge
load the charge
seat the bullet
crimp them once all are loaded

Slow, yes, safe yes.

The reason I do this is the same thing happened to that feller. I was loading some .44 one night lucky with 2400. My wife came in and blah blah blah, she knows this really pisses me off, anyway, I double charged a case with 19grs of 2400. Lucky all it did was run out all over the loading block. From then on, it's one round at a time with pistol powders.