Little nephew got his biggest buck today!


Jul 28, 2015
I have not posted much in awhile. Still chasing those deer here in Mississippi lol. Today I took my 7 year old nephew hunting. Today made his 5th deer he has killed. He's having very good luck with his AR in 6.5 Grendel. He's really been trying to get him a racked buck this year, and there was a good tall 6 pt in the field when we got there. He had never shot off a trigger stick before, and we shuffled around alot but he never could see it and it finally ran off. Come to find out he couldn't really see over the bank with some brush in it while i could see it perfectly. By the time we shifted some more over the buck had finally had enough of the games. We went ahead and climbed up in a shooting house, hopefully he would come back since we are finally in the rut here. He didn't but this little 6 came out walking the edge of the field. Shot was right at 120 yards with him standing on his tip toes resting the rifle on the shooting rail. Deer was walking pretty fairly fast. At the shot the deer kicked both back legs straight up and cut into the woods. He asked me if he got him and I said I was pretty sure it was in the boiler room when they jump and kick like that. Well we get down and no blood or hair anywhere, so I'm confused and he is starting to doubt by now. His dad shows up with my other nephew and we start grid searching while my other brother goes and picks up the tracking dog. Luckily my brother(his dad) finds it about 50-60 yards off behind the field. Never bled a single drop. He hit it right in the upper right shoulder with the 123 SST coming to rest past the rib cage and right under the hide of the opposite side. I did not realize he was quartering too us that steep. Anyways he is happy little boy with his first racked buck.

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That is just too cool. Congratulations to the young hunter. He did very well, indeed! (y)
Great! Congratulations to your nephew and all the others involved in the hunt and search. A great job was done by all, the young hunter, the coach, and the searchers. Hmm, I wonder who is more proud, the shooter or the Uncle?

Congratulations to your nephew on his buck!
Glad you guys found the buck in short order.

Thanks guys, little fellow is eat up with deer hunting bug lol.

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120 y, moving and hit where it belongs? You'd better stay on the good side of that little nimrod, congratulations!

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Wow! What a Great Buck! Even better the whole family got in on the recovery!

Congratulations to the young hunter!

Please pass along our congratulations and best wishes for many big bucks in his future! Really good shooting!

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That is a great story with a happy ending. It shows on his face! Glad you and everyone helped him have a terrific hunt. Dan.
That is a great story with a happy ending. It shows on his face! Glad you and everyone helped him have a terrific hunt. Dan.
Thanks everyone. I'll be taking his older brother out this afternoon. He's 9 and was baptized this morning at their church, so the whole family came in for it and we went out and ate afterward. So hopefully we can add to his already great day !

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