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I only started hunting turkeys a few years ago and am still very much a novice. I have from one to three toms gobbling on the hill behind the barn. I can easily hear them from the house at dawn. The hillside is very steep but there are semi-level fields on the top of the hill. The turkeys tend to roost along the top of the hill. They walk over to the edge of the field and then fly pretty much horizontally or slightly down hill into a tree on the side hill.
When all goes according to the text book, I can get to top of the hill while it is still dark and set up in one of the three turkey hunting blinds I have scattered across the field. When the turkeys read the same text book as I do, they fly down into the woods below the top of the hill and then walk up the hill into the field. If I am really lucky, I am in the right blind.
I don't have good luck calling the tom's since they are usually "henned up" by May 1st when our season opens. They come up into the fields and just follow the hens. The hens don't respond well to me or my decoys. They don't stay long in my fields and cross over onto my neighbor's fields where he hunts them.
My real problem is that the turkeys could be roosted to the right, in the middle, or to the left. It is different each morning. My road up the hill branches with one branch coming out on the left and one branch coming out on the right. If I know where the turkeys are roosted I can take the "correct" branch. If I am wrong, I come out right underneath the roosts and bust them off the roosts. Then I may not see them again for a couple of weeks.
In the past I have tried being up in the fields in the evening to "locate" them, but I have had problems with either busting them out of the field in the afternoon, or getting stuck in field when they roost right over my exit road.
Do toms gobble enough just before dark that I could "locate" them from the bottom of hill the evening before the hunt? I don't recall ever hearing them gobble in the evening.
I only started hunting turkeys a few years ago and am still very much a novice. I have from one to three toms gobbling on the hill behind the barn. I can easily hear them from the house at dawn. The hillside is very steep but there are semi-level fields on the top of the hill. The turkeys tend to roost along the top of the hill. They walk over to the edge of the field and then fly pretty much horizontally or slightly down hill into a tree on the side hill.
When all goes according to the text book, I can get to top of the hill while it is still dark and set up in one of the three turkey hunting blinds I have scattered across the field. When the turkeys read the same text book as I do, they fly down into the woods below the top of the hill and then walk up the hill into the field. If I am really lucky, I am in the right blind.
I don't have good luck calling the tom's since they are usually "henned up" by May 1st when our season opens. They come up into the fields and just follow the hens. The hens don't respond well to me or my decoys. They don't stay long in my fields and cross over onto my neighbor's fields where he hunts them.
My real problem is that the turkeys could be roosted to the right, in the middle, or to the left. It is different each morning. My road up the hill branches with one branch coming out on the left and one branch coming out on the right. If I know where the turkeys are roosted I can take the "correct" branch. If I am wrong, I come out right underneath the roosts and bust them off the roosts. Then I may not see them again for a couple of weeks.
In the past I have tried being up in the fields in the evening to "locate" them, but I have had problems with either busting them out of the field in the afternoon, or getting stuck in field when they roost right over my exit road.
Do toms gobble enough just before dark that I could "locate" them from the bottom of hill the evening before the hunt? I don't recall ever hearing them gobble in the evening.