Look at these!

There are some good buys out there. The 280 is just cool, no two ways about it.
That Ruger is pretty sharp!

I was swindled out of a 280 Remington M700 Mountain Rifle by a cousin! Darned thing shoots about as good as any rifle I own and what a great carrying rifle! Still makes me a little sick! He sold it to his pops and now my Uncle has been slaying deer for 10 years with it. Rubs every single one of them in my nose! Sometimes family is just no fun!
That M48 is nice!
Those M700's have some stories to tell but you know they are most likely shooters.

I didn't realize Nosler has dealers that resell their rifles :?: It says new in the box, so does that mean they got it from Nosler or did they get it some other way?