Fellas I would like to find a Remington 338 ultra mag . The only must is it has to have a 26" barrel. I have found a Remington 700 XCR at ableammo.com they want about 900 I hope to spend less.
The 338 RUM is a great caliber!
The problem is that Remington has never offered it in too many flavors,
BDL, LSS, Sendero, and XCR.
The 338 RUM is in high demand for the Long Range Hunting crowd because it is a fairly efficient caliber for long range elk hunting and target shooting. www.longrangehunting.com
Check the want ads and placed like www.gunsamerica.com and one will show up.
If ya can't find a 338 RUM, you could contact Shawn Carlock of Defensive Edge Technology and have him open up a 300 RUM to his 338 Edge. That is a awesome longrange 338 with a slight capacity advantage? Downside being you may have to spend big money on dies and brass prep for a wildcat or non commercial round can be very tedious. Web address for Defensive Edge is www.defensiveedge.net