M70 264 Win Mag

Rifle has a 1 in 9 twist.

My dads shot pretty dang good with very little load work up. It was while back and before we started really getting into things, but I know it shot around 1/2-3/4 at 100 yards with max load of IMR 4350 and the 120g NBT. Thats what he bought to start with and it shot so good we never bothered to look elsewhere.

I need to shoot mine a bit more. I"ve only got about 150 rounds through it and 100 of them are with the 95g vmaxs, the other 50 are with the 140g amax trying to get it dialed in...Been a scope short for a while, but I have an older vari x 2, 4-12 AO w/fine duplex sittin on top now. I figure I can at least use it to work up a load while I save a few more bucks for another viper 6.5-20
Remmy, any issues with shooting the 140gr AMax's. I almost picked up a box to try out of the rifle, but they say 1-7.75" twist is recommended. I imagine with the extra speed the 264 makes, it negates that a touch, but I was wondering if they stabilized out of your rifle?

I have some 130gr AB's right now to do load work with and will try them first. If those shoot well, I may try the AMax's and some 140gr PT's. Planning on trying Retumbo with it first off. Seems like the 264 is well suited to it. Scotty

I would think the 130 gr AB at 3200+ fps would make your 264 WM a flatliner!

I would think so. I will be loading for it this weekend, time permitting. Trying to get to the range today, so I am hoping to see what the 125gr PT's will do. Scotty

thats my new favorite word!!!! would make a great nickname for a rifle!!!! AWESOME!!!!
My rifle is definately stabilizing them as its leaving round holes out to 625 yards, but I just haven't found the right load yet. Only taken it out three times with the 140g amaxs/H1000. First time out, it shot a .4xx" cloverleaf at 67.5g, bullet seated right at the lands. Thought I was golden, but I always at least double check a load, good thing I did. I took that same load out 2 more times and I never got it shooting under 1" and without having a huge flyer. So I loaded a batch up at 67.5g but at 5 different lengths, .005" in the lands, at the lands, .005" off, .010" off, and .015" off and they all did the 2 touching or within 1/2" of each other, but flew the 3rd at least 1"

At 625 yards I took the original performer of 67.5g at the lands and shot 2, 3 shot groups. On each group, 2 shots were within 2-4" of each other, but again, huge flyer of 8"-12". Still leaving round holes.

I dont know what the deal is. I dont know how it can shoot so good 1 day, then you cant ever duplicate any way you try.

I have H4350, H4831sc, and Retumbo for other powders to try, I also have CCI250s I might try, instead of the Fed215.

I may try giving the barrel a good cleaning to. I'm not a big fan of cleaning barrels as much as I use to. I usually try to let them tell me when to clean, maybe its trying to tell me something lol.

The 1 in 9 twist seems to stabilze the 140 amax ok at 3000-3100fps. With my 2 in 1 out, it leads me to believe it wants to shoot, also leaving round holes at 625 yards still leaves me to believe there stabilizing quite fine, but I think were still maybe borderline, thats why I'm getting the flyer all the time??
chet":2t60bo76 said:

thats my new favorite word!!!! would make a great nickname for a rifle!!!! AWESOME!!!!

Bingo! We have a winner.
I like the way you are thinking Chet.
I NEED a new rifle, think I will name it Flatliner. :grin:

HAHA, It's like having the perfect name for a daughter, but I kept having sons......
So I eventually bought a dog and named her SHELBY!!!!

The only gun i have ever named was my 300wm.... WHIPLASH!!!!!
I'm afraid to name my rifles. They might get finicky if I were to do so.
DrMike":1li8w8g1 said:
I'm afraid to name my rifles. They might get finicky if I were to do so.

Especially if you named them after women! :mrgreen: :shock: I am going to be in sooo much trouble for that one!
remingtonman_25_06":1sxlgs59 said:
My rifle is definately stabilizing them as its leaving round holes out to 625 yards, but I just haven't found the right load yet. Only taken it out three times with the 140g amaxs/H1000. First time out, it shot a .4xx" cloverleaf at 67.5g, bullet seated right at the lands. Thought I was golden, but I always at least double check a load, good thing I did. I took that same load out 2 more times and I never got it shooting under 1" and without having a huge flyer. So I loaded a batch up at 67.5g but at 5 different lengths, .005" in the lands, at the lands, .005" off, .010" off, and .015" off and they all did the 2 touching or within 1/2" of each other, but flew the 3rd at least 1"

At 625 yards I took the original performer of 67.5g at the lands and shot 2, 3 shot groups. On each group, 2 shots were within 2-4" of each other, but again, huge flyer of 8"-12". Still leaving round holes.

I dont know what the deal is. I dont know how it can shoot so good 1 day, then you cant ever duplicate any way you try.

I have H4350, H4831sc, and Retumbo for other powders to try, I also have CCI250s I might try, instead of the Fed215.

I may try giving the barrel a good cleaning to. I'm not a big fan of cleaning barrels as much as I use to. I usually try to let them tell me when to clean, maybe its trying to tell me something lol.

The 1 in 9 twist seems to stabilze the 140 amax ok at 3000-3100fps. With my 2 in 1 out, it leads me to believe it wants to shoot, also leaving round holes at 625 yards still leaves me to believe there stabilizing quite fine, but I think were still maybe borderline, thats why I'm getting the flyer all the time??

Remmy, thanks for the info on that. I might give them a try. Not sure yet, just depends on how these 130gr AB's shoot. I am really wanting to shoot either the 140gr AB or 140gr PT in the rifle, but I will try and let it tell me what it wants. Scotty
6mm Remington":2xidik5h said:
DrMike":2xidik5h said:
I'm afraid to name my rifles. They might get finicky if I were to do so.

Especially if you named them after women! :mrgreen: :shock: I am going to be in sooo much trouble for that one!

I will NEVER name anything after a woman! Too much temperament and too much likely to not do what I want it to do. I would rather name them after my dog! No offense to dogs or women! Scotty
Heres the original work up on my 140 amax/H1000 at 66.5 and 67.5g. Also tried 1 load with Retumbo, all the powder I had, it was horrible, to hot. The other group on the bottom is with the 95g vmaxs.


This was at 625 yards with the above load. The upper left was the 1st group, the other group is on the right where the 2 were level with each other and 3rd flew up vertically about 12"

Your right about that Remmy, really seems like it wants to put them in there. Seems like maybe just an OAL length deal. Sweet spot might be tougher to find on them. Scotty

When you said Retumbo was too hot, was that with 140's?

Mike, I am glad I made you snort, I snickered a little just writing it! Scotty
OAL is my original thought, but I've tried all the longer lengths all to no avail, might be time to start seating em .040" at a time untill I see thing start to tighten up. I do believe it wants to shoot those 140s...I want it to even more lol. Thats been the bullet I've wanted to shoot out of a 6.5 since they came out and I knew how good the 6.5 with a high BC was for LR antelope/deer.

The 162 amax shot awesome from my 7 RM seated right at the lands, so I dont know what the deal is...I hope its not gonna be to much of a headache.

Yes, that load with the 140g amax/Retumbo at 69.5 was way to hot. QL predicted 71.5g as max at like 3125fps or so, so I figured 2g less would be ok. Well the 3 shots averaged like 3250-3300fpsfps, which was about 175fps over what QL was seeing at 71.5. Thats why it shot like crap.

QL also predicts the max with H1000 at like 69 or 69.5 but my load of 67.5 is already very very warm as its clocking 3100fps, which is right on with QL, but with 2g less powder. I think I may need to back off about 5g and work back up in .5g increments with H1000 to give it a full run before I start with another powder.