M70 stiff safety lever

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
When I got the M70 7RM that I put the Boyd's stock on I just sat it in the safe and didn't mess with it since it was hunting season and didn't want any distractions. After I bedded the new stock I tried the trigger to make sure everything was back in place right. When I dry fired the rifle and recocked it several times I tried placing the rifle on safe and the safety lever was very stiff and hard to place on safe. I took the action out of the stock and adjusted the trigger so there was better sear contact and this helped a little but still not as good as it should be. After several conversations with others including a gun smith I was advised not to mess with the safety and firing pin cocking piece but being hard headed I did it anyway.
I figured out how to disassemble the cocking piece from the shroud and took it apart leaving the safety lever in the shroud.
The safety lever cam had wore a groove in the cocking piece(firing pin) and there was a burr on the cocking piece(firing pin).
The safety lever felt gritty when it was worked with out the cocking piece (firing pin) installed so I worked some action lube and moly slide into the safety cam working the lever to embed the moly into the metal and basically lap the cam in the shroud to smooth everything up.
From there I took a jewelers file and a abrasive rubber wheel from a dremel tool and hand polished the burr off the cocking piece(firing pin) with out changing the angle of the surface that the cam works on.
Lubed everything with moly slide and reassemble the firing pin cocking piece, shroud and bolt. Placed bolt into rifle and everything worked smoothly like new.
Next I placed the rifle on safe and dropped it 2ft on the but pad and it didn't jar off safe so I placed the safety in the firing position and did the same drop and the sear held so the rifle safety works as it should and everything is good to go.
I would not recommend doing what I did for everyone to do since you do need some knowledge in gun repair. I worked with a Gun Smith 30yrs ago and have a little more than basic knowledge just forgot a lot over the years when I got away from doing it and had to refresh my memory with conversations with others and a little reading.
I posted this to help others know that the safety on a M70 can be smoothed up if it gets a burr on the cocking piece from wear by the safety lever cam and it isn't a hard fix.