Magic numbers for .264 Win Mag?


Dec 9, 2008
I violated a "rule" I had lived by since time immemorial, and that was that I needed NO belted cartridges. Or that I would have none. Whatever.

Truth is, I was always intrigued by the .264 Win Mag so when a pre-64 Model 70 so chambered came my way, I snagged it. :!:

I'm in the process of cleaning the rifle up and getting it ready. I have once-fired Winchester cases, Winchester and CCI Mag primers, about eight pounds of IMR7828, and a nice little stash of 140-grain Accubonds.

Does anyone have any magic numbers for those components? Yes, I may try H1000 or something else, but for now I want to see what I can do with the components I have on hand, and since I don't believe in reinventing the wheel I'd like to pick all yer brains.

Muchas gracias.
No magic numbers, but I'm a bit envious of your find. Sounds like a great buy for you. Congratulations.
I'm new to the 264 game myself so I can't offer any insight to IMR-7828 but Retumbo seems, well so far to have potential. Alderman certainly got great results with RL22.

I do think 7828 would be a very good powder for the 264. Can't wait to see your RIFLE and results.
75 Grains of RL33 is what worked for me. It's a little on the "warm" side. So proceed with caution. Avg speed 3210fps with a 24"bbl


Those were all shot with a 7 3/4# trigger. Fotis later fixed that problem for me.
I have an older 264 ,1990 version, that shoots 140 nosler partitions very well with 7828.
The only powder I've tried in the 264 is WC872
Mil spec stuff that has a burn rate very similar to H870.
Here's a group w 130 ABs out of my rifle.
Muzzle vel was 3350 with an ES of 9.
The bottom left hole was a fouler.

You guys are posting some impressive groups with the 264s. There's hope for me yet.
7828 worked fine speed wise for the 140 BTs and ABs. Can't see why you won't do excellent. With it in your Pre64 buddy.

As Bill mentioned, can't wait to see the pictures.
About the only thing it can do that a .26 Nosler can't do is come in a pre64 Model 70, I suppose.
truck driver":3dw0qje1 said:
Ok I have to ask, Just what can a belted 264 do that a 26 Nosler can't?
Longer barrel life.

truck driver":3b9tpyfg said:
Ok I have to ask, Just what can a belted 264 do that a 26 Nosler can't?

More reasonably priced brass choices.
Rationality is frowned upon in riflehood. :)

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