Making 35 Remington brass


Nov 5, 2015
Sometime in the past I read of making 35 Rem brass from 308 Win and was wondering if anybody has attempted this? My concerns would be if possible what effect the difference in rim size would have on extraction. Not even sure if feasible. Any thought or experiences? Dan.
Dan, I'm pretty sure you would need to chuck the brass in a lathe and turn the rim down, or make some sort of fixture/jig and do it will a drill press with a file. If my lathe was set up for metal, I'd do it for ya.
Dan, I'm pretty sure you would need to chuck the brass in a lathe and turn the rim down, or make some sort of fixture/jig and do it will a drill press with a file. If my lathe was set up for metal, I'd do it for ya.
Thanks for the offer, Howie. Dan.
Do you know that the 35 Rem is a cartridge that reloads with rapid case failure ? I don’t know about thickness of 308 shoulder area verses the 35, but l talked to a guy who does it on another forum. Probably Marlin Owners
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Do you know that the 35 Rem is a cartridge that reloads with rapid case failure ? I don’t know about thickness of 308 shoulder area verses the 35, but l talked to a guy who does it on another forum. Probably Marlin Owners

If you are saying that 35 Rem brass does not hold up to reloading, that is wrong.
There is the GunBroker route if you’re in bad need of some.
If you are saying that 35 Rem brass does not hold up to reloading, that is wrong.
The shoulders and necks are thin, and even with annealing they fail. Maybe with 308 conversions yes, but stock brass l have experienced it. It doesn’t have much if a shoulder to bump back.

How is it possible to prevent work hardening on this cartridge? Correct me if l’m wrong lm all ears
The shoulders and necks are thin, and even with annealing they fail. Maybe with 308 conversions yes, but stock brass l have experienced it. It doesn’t have much if a shoulder to bump back.

Correct me if l’m wrong lm all ears
You're doing something wrong. I'm on my 5th reloading on a batch with no signs of thinning ahead of the case web or anything else indicating they are remotely close to done yet. I've annealed twice, and just like any other brass set my die to minimally bump the shoulder. Not much case stretching as I've had to do little trimming on them.

I'm loading them hot in a Rem 760. Remington brass from factory Rem Core Lokt ammo.
Mister know it all I stated there is some available. He is an adult and can make his own decisions if it’s a rip off. Just giving a member a helping hand.
Less than 50 pieces of brass for 65 bucks or more isn’t available to me or anyone else. 20 pieces or less? I wouldn’t even tell him about it. They’re crooks
You're doing something wrong. I'm on my 5th reloading on a batch with no signs of thinning ahead of the case web or anything else indicating they are remotely close to done yet. I've annealed twice, and just like any other brass set my die to minimally bump the shoulder. Not much case stretching as I've had to do little trimming on them.

I'm loading them hot in a Rem 760. Remington brass from factory Rem Core Lokt ammo.
Just 5 reloads huh ? Ok let me know how you make out like other more beefier cartridges
Do you test each case for chamber? Especially on that rifle ?
No. They've all chambered and ejected easy in that rifle through 5 reloadings, I see no reason for that to change until the brass gets pitched.

We are talking 35 Remington. When I say hot, it's hot for a 35 Remington where book loads are meant for safety on old Model 8's, 14's, 141's still being used today. I have a 141, I don't go over book loads with it, ever.

So it's a hot load, but not hot for a 760 and still way under modern pressures, so the brass is getting stressed way less than a 30-06 or 308, or...... take your pick.
I’ve had pretty good luck finding odd ball brass at a reasonable price on gunbroker. Patience is needed. Happened to see some new Remington, 50 pices with a current bid of 16 bucks. Also some once fired. FYI. Not suggesting your. 35 is an odd ball. :)
I use them for hunting and rather not take the risk of them not chambering. Especially with my 760. Glad there’s no failures for some. Admit it that its not a good idea to do to a less of a camming power action not to do what you normally do with a bolt action, can you at least admit that ? Some of you really can’t give up the testosterone can you?

You can’t see if the bolt rotates to fully lock up. Bad enough that my 760 has a extremely short free bore and the bullet has to be seated deeper than normal. And please don’t tell me otherwise, l’m not making a mistake considering Remington told that the way some of those rifles were, back in the 70’s. I load 170 grain Speer FN hot cores with zero issues other than an occasional neck or shoulder failure. It doesn’t happen much but it does. I have more brass than l’ll ever need for what l use it for. Besides, who cares if they do fail, it’s not like it matters if the did….
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