Marry Christmas Everybody!


Feb 14, 2007
Just wanted to wish everybody a Marry Christmas and a Happy new year!

Shoot straight and best wishes to all.
Same here, Merry Christmas to you also. May all of your loads be fast and sub MOA! Scotty
I wish everyone here a safe and joyous holiday season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

And here's another one from mid-America to all that visit here,

Merry Christmas and good health to you all!

Mr. & Mrs. Kodiak
And to all, a Good Night!!!!

Be smart, be safe, give your kids an extra hug and mama a little xtra lovin!!!

A blessed Christmas indeed. May you each enjoy safety and God's goodness throughout the season and into the coming year.
Yes Merry Christmas to everybody. Christmas 2010 may come tomorrow if this wind does not stop blowing. It may blow me into next Christmas. Been blowing gust up to 70 mph and sustained 30 mph all night and this morning. Last night was like trying to sleep at the end of the run way of a major airport.
first off merry x-mas to all,, second i want to thank all of you that have given me the knowlege to keep reloading,, its been like x-mas all year long with your gifts of know how,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Merry Christmas to everyone. Hope everyone got new toys to play with this year. Now go out and have some fun.
Merry Christmas everyone. Be safe and God bless you all. Keep a prayer in your hearts for our Military folks who are fighting to keep all of us safe, and who have to be away from their family at Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all and I hope Santa didn't run into any shipping restrictions on all the guns we asked for :wink:
Have a blessed new year :grin:
Happy early NY! I will be working graveyards. :evil: