Massive Bison - Take the shot?

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006

You've drawn a coveted Wyoming bison tag and this big guy is outside the park.

He's at 150 yards and the wind is towards you at about 10 mph (slow wind day in Wyoming I guess).

Which rifle, load, scope/sights? How about shot placement??? :grin:
I'll go with:

.375 H&H Ruger Number One
2.5x compact Leupold sighted in at 200 yards
300 gr Nosler Partition

Am going to wait for him to take a step forward with that on-side fore-leg, then put the bullet low in the chest, just behind that leg, hoping for a heart shot. Likely shooting from sitting. Prone is too low to clear the brush, standing isn't all that steady, although at 150 yards I'd do it.

Then I'm really hoping he falls somewhere I can get a truck, a hoist and a bunch of good strong friends... :grin:

What's a bull like this weigh? 2,200 or so? Guessing...
Ruger #1 458 lott 350 TSX at 2850 fps. or my Ruger #1s 338 win mag 210 NP at 3000 fps.
I would use my 338 RUM with a 250 gr PT at a MV of 3024 fps and hold low behind the front shoulder, about 1/4 up from the bottom should take out the top of the heart and the lungs.
2200 lbs is a lot of bull! :lol:

375 R topped with a 2.5-8 x36 VXIII. Pushing a 260 AB at 2850 with a 200 yard zero. Aim to take out both shoulders and the heart. Off shooting sticks, but prone would be better if it is possible.

If a 260 AB can go through an elk lenght wise at 240 yards it should be able to go through a buff at 150 sideways.
338 winnie is as big as I have and if I were going to hunt this fellow, I would have a much larger rifle. So I can't comment at the moment. :grin:
M700 CDL 35 Whelen, 3x9 Leupold, 250gr Speers at 2575FPS. I would level the crosshairs from the sitting position tight behind he shoulder, 1/3 up from the bottom and squeeze it out. Pretty sure we would be in the buff! Scotty
A shot like that....... nothing the 130gr AccuBond wouldn't take care of out of the good ole .260 topped with the 16X Leupy.

Ok... I wouldn't pass that shot up, but I think the 200gr AccuBond out of the .300RUM Sendero would anchor him. :wink:
My Sharps 45-70 with 65 grs Goex Cartridge black powder pushing a 520 gr (with my mix out of my mould) RCBS BPS bullet placed close up to the back edge of the front shoulder. It will take out both lungs and you can eat right up to the bullet hole. :grin:
I used a BLR chambered in 358 Win on my last bison. It worked. However, I'd likely choose rifle with a bit more "oomph" next time. My 325 WSM, loaded with 200 grain PTs would work very well on this big boy. Also, my 35 Whelan loaded with 225 grain PTs would put a hurt on him big time.
OK, I'll bite. Low in the "hump" Just at what looks to be the neck line. Straight over the fore leg. With my 250 Savage and a 100gr Partition (I hope- Gulp). What was it Guy said about track shoes? CL
My 300WM with reloads of 180gr Accubonds or loaded up 200's. Other choice is my 338-06AI with 225gr Accubonds / TTSX's (both shoot great). Both rifles have Leupold VX3 3.5-10x40 scopes.

For my shot placement I would wait for the bull to take a step forward with the right front leg to open up the vitals more already having the crosshairs on the body where the sun and shade meet. Then squeeze the trigger, cycle another round and fire again and cycle one more round and be ready if needed. Nice thing with my Sako m75ss 300WM is it will hold 4 in the clip plus one in the chamber and my Sako m75 Greywolf 338-06AI will hold 5 in the clip plus 1.

Here in Alberta we have had a bison hunt for 2 years now....and they are BIG animals. I know, I was chased by one working up in the NWT in 1994 rebuilding the highway to Yellowknife.

Make sure you have a few friends / equipment to help dressing out the bull.
.300 wby mag with 180gr AB. Double lung with at least 1 quick followup. 1/2 up just behind the leg. (.300 is my largest gun)

When we guide them here, I tell hunters that they may need several shots. I have seen them take 5 killing shots, then sit down and expire.

Have to remember that they can be really dangerous. So, I would love to have a second hunter there with a large bore lever action open sight. Something like a marlin model 1895 chambered in 45/70. In fact, that should be my first rifle of choice, if I had one.
Largest I have is a 30/06 #1B. I would use a 180 grain AccuBond out of it and would aim right behind the front leg when he stepped forward, about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom of his chest. I'd feel confident in it getting the job done. Either that or right behind his ear as str8meat stated!