MI Spring Turkey Late Season


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
May 3 marks the opening day of the MI Spring Turkey Late Season. I set up behind my house at first light and sat back with a thermos of coffee to welcome the day. At 7:00 AM I heard my first gobbles. I called on my Bully's Glass/Slate call and got an immediate response. I yelped a couple more times, again with gobbles. I got ready and waited for "Show Time".

I was facing west had two big Tom's come in from the north and circle in behind me. They started strutting and gobbling but would not commit to the decoys. They turned and headed behind the ridge. This gave me the chance to turn around an I yelped again. They both gobbled and returned, staying in some thick cover. They strutted and then disappeared again. Once again I softly yelped and they returned. The paint brush Tom cautiusly strutted into a clear shooting lane. At 33 yds I put the red dot scope sitting on top of my 11-87 Super Mag and sent a Hevi Shot 13 Mag Blend 2.25 oz load on its way.
I pole axed this Tom, he never moved from where he dropped.

The beard is 10" long and the spurs are just under an inch.

That is way too easy! You're supposed to drive for miles and walk further miles and wait for days, aren't you? Congratulations! Job well done. Exciting to read your account.
Well done Jim! The way you have that 280 AI shooting I'm suprised you didn't use it! Do those things eat very good? They are pretty popular around here as well, but I have never gotten into it. Looks like a great time.
DrMike":12uq99bh said:
That is way too easy! You're supposed to drive for miles and walk further miles and wait for days, aren't you? Congratulations! Job well done. Exciting to read your account.

I don't have to drive, just walk. I have a few miles of walking and scouting this spring. Its 3/4 mile to the next road and I have access to most of it.

jmad_81":1bm7p5mt said:
Well done Jim! The way you have that 280 AI shooting I'm suprised you didn't use it! Do those things eat very good? They are pretty popular around here as well, but I have never gotten into it. Looks like a great time.


MI is shotgun only for Turkey.
Wild Turkey is VERY GOOD EATING! I fillet out the breast and leg/thigh and put it in a bag x2. We cook them in an oven bag. Yummy... :grin:

Turkey hunting is addictive. If you decide to give it a try, proceed with caution. You will end up with a few dollars spent on Turkey stuff.

Great bird Jim! That is a good one.

JMAD, if you ever start turkey hunting, stand by, it is alot of fun and a good way to get through the Spring. They are a blast to call and I think if they could smell, we might never kill one of them. Jim makes it look easy, but man, some birds are just tough. Good luck, hope you give it a try. It isn't too expensive to get into. A good full choked 12 gauge with some HEVI SHOT and a decent couple calls and you will be in there. After you kill the first one with the simple stuff, you will "think" you need all the other "stuff", but really it is just the birds outsmarting us, not our lack of gear! Scotty
Well I'm all set with the choke and turkey loads, not sure why but I have them. One of these days I'll give it a try. It looks fun.
Jake, it is alot of fun. You don't need to be a pro caller like on TV either, just gotta sound like a plain ol Hen. I haven't ever heard a hen as good as some of the world champion turkey callers! Give it a whirl. You'll get hooked I bet! Scotty
jmad_81":31bp5blb said:
Well I'm all set with the choke and turkey loads, not sure why but I have them. One of these days I'll give it a try. It looks fun.


You are set to go! I wish we was closer, I would be honored to call one in for you. Let us know what else we can do to get you set up to Turkey hunt.

good job JD. our season came in the 26th of april, I tagged out with my second bird yesterday, my third time out.

Way to go! Congratulations. Here in MI we are only allowed 1 Tom in the spring and a Tom or hen in the fall.
