MI Turkey Season Success


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
The 2015 late Spring Turkey Season opened Monday 5/4 and ended at 6:29 AM with two nice Tom's down. I called in 3 strutting toms and was able to have them 10 yds in front of us. Sue used her Mathews Dagger cross bow and put the Gobbler Getter broad head right where it needed to be. The bird went about 15 feet and gave up the ghost from a fatal shot through the lungs. I than put the 870 12 gauge 3" mag out the blind window and put the red dot on another Tom about 15 yds away and I sent a Winchester Long Beard load of #5's on the way, dumping him where he stood. I looked at my watch and it was 6:29 AM.
Both Toms had 9 beards and 1" spurs.


That's the way to do the deed, Jim. Congratulations to each of you! Man, that makes me want to go turkey hunting! (y)
Man, way to go pal (y) ..Jimmy the Greek strikes again! 8) ..Congrats to you and Sue :)

Jim, what a great hunt that must have been for you and Sue. Congratulations on some good calling and shooting. A double with a bow and a gun - that is quite an accomplishment.
Thanks fellas. As you may recall, we doubled up opening day last year. In fact, the distance between the birds that Sue shot is about 10 feet! I am lucky to have a great spot right behind my house. I know where they are all year and this set up is deadly. I get about 100 yds from their roosting area and due to the terrain, I am able to walk right in and get set up almost right under them. When they come up the deer run from the ravine, wala they are in deep dark trouble. :)

Sue help her composure while three toms strutted and gobbled within 20 yards of us. I told her what window to get set up on and wait for my command to shoot. She executed the plan and had perfect shot placement. She puts total trust in my judgment and it pays off. I've been hunting turkeys here for about 20 years now so I have a pretty good handle on what they are going to do.

I'm looking forward to taking my daughter Danielle out as well as by buddies daughter.
Man, I love this stuff.

Nice! Turkey hunting looks to be a lot of fun and I bet they taste great too.
JD338":2gb38mgw said:
Sue help her composure while three toms strutted and gobbled within 20 yards of us.

Not an easy feat at all. There is nothing in the world quite like that feeling. Congratulations, Jim, and best of luck with the girls!