Moose/caribou hunting


Sep 30, 2004
I've been out since Friday hunting for moose/caribou. It's been steady rain, low cloud bank and wind pretty much the whole time. We've covered 60 miles on the wheelers, and many hours pearing thru bino's. Sadly my spotting scope broke in a wheeler tumble.

We have only seen a couple cow moose and a few cow calve caribou. Also one very nice interior grizz munching on berries.

A guy once told me if anyone wanted to see what hunting in Alaska was like, they could get a good feel for it by putting on all thier gear, standing in thier shower with the cold water running on them while they shoved $100 bills down the drain. I can't say he was wrong, but I will add while looking at some of the most beautiful scenery in the world!


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It is not like going to the supermarket, that's for sure! Still, it would be hard to trade the experience and the beauty you are allowed to see for concrete.
Those photos are beautiful and I am sure that you will connect, it is just a matter of time (y)!
Thank you for the update.

DrMike":3e3yxwoe said:
It is not like going to the supermarket, that's for sure! Still, it would be hard to trade the experience and the beauty you are allowed to see for concrete.

Agree 100% Doc
Another day spent swimming in thin water! Rain, rain, rain, and more rain!

Glasses all day, two big valleys, another 15 miles climbing mountains on the wheeler.

The only thing I saw was a good sized black bear hoovering up blueberries. I got to within 600 yards but he dropped into a thick draw and was never seen again.

Headed home for the night to dry out and recoup. Head back up to a different area tomorrow night, going to pack a snorkel.

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I've been out a lot the last couple of weeks. Yep- rain interrupted by periods of intense rain.

I've heard the bit about standing in a cold shower and dropping $100s down the drain.... entirely true.
hodgeman":23our4qs said:
I've been out a lot the last couple of weeks. Yep- rain interrupted by periods of intense rain.

I've heard the bit about standing in a cold shower and dropping $100s down the drain.... entirely true.

Exactly LOL it is crazy sometimes, My grandmother will look at me sometimes when we are out and we are wet, and cold, and she will ask me " are we having fun yet ?"

best if luck bear and hodgeman Brooke
To paraphrase McManus, moose hunting is a fine and pleasant misery. If it is not raining, it is snowing--and the early snows tend to be wet. Delightful experience. Alas, after finding the moose and delivering your best shot, the beast looks about to see if there is some deep beaver pond in which he can expire. If there is no beaver pond available, he will assuredly make tracks to the nastiest spruce swamp he is able to find. There are few delights to compare to standing waist deep in water (stripped to the skivvies) as the rain/snow falls and you are gutting and quartering a moose. Everyone should experience it once. Then, each time it rains or snows the erstwhile moose hunter will say to himself...

"Alas, what I wouldn't give to be out looking for a nice bull today." :mrgreen:
Exactly Mike, been there, done that, and would/will again!

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Best of luck to you in the interior. Been very wet out in Bristol bay as well. Naknek lake and river are at 40 year highs. At least we don't have to worry about hitting rocks while running the river. Another storm tomorrow.

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DrMike":3vgiz0uh said:
To paraphrase McManus, moose hunting is a fine and pleasant misery. If it is not raining, it is snowing--and the early snows tend to be wet. Delightful experience. Alas, after finding the moose and delivering your best shot, the beast looks about to see if there is some deep beaver pond in which he can expire. If there is no beaver pond available, he will assuredly make tracks to the nastiest spruce swamp he is able to find. There are few delights to compare to standing waist deep in water (stripped to the skivvies) as the rain/snow falls and you are gutting and quartering a moose. Everyone should experience it once. Then, each time it rains or snows the erstwhile moose hunter will say to himself...

"Alas, what I wouldn't give to be out looking for a nice bull today." :mrgreen:

If my body allowed me to do so, I would be right there with you Dr Mike, --or bear-78, salmon chaser, brooke, hodgeman, etc-----if it was easy anyone could do it and thank god it is not easy as I hate crowds of people in the mountains---good luck to each of you who are hunting right now regardless of the weather
Man I wish I could get back up there to enjoy some more Alaskan rain! I was moose hunting in 2013 and it rained every day until we flew home. It was miserable but one of the best two weeks of my life even though I never pulled the trigger. Someday I hope to return.

Thank god for grouse/ptarmigan. Gives you something to do and some camp meat

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Grouse and ptarmigan have saved many hunts for me. They are dependable.
My favorite to eat, patarmigan. When they are feeding on crow berries and lingen berries, it's like eating deserts first.

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I love hunting ptarmigan. My caribou camp is generally overrun with them. This year I took my bow and zapped a couple for the skillet.... no noise and no wasted meat!
I was thinking about getting a suppressor for my 22 pistol. Quiet, effective, and compact

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Finally some nicer weather. A couple moose to play with but a bit too small.
I could literally shoot either one of these as I type this!

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