More Twist please

Desert Fox

Aug 14, 2006
Went to see my buddy today. He showed me a 7 shot group from his 6.5 BR rifle shooting the 140 grain Berger VLD at 100 yards. The bullet was hitting sideways. Can't imagine the terminal ballistic of this load. :?

Berger claims an eight twist is sufficient for the 140 grain match bullet. That is assuredly a disturbing result.
That happened to me when my buddy asked me to reload his '96 swede mauser 6.5x55 with 85 grain varmint bullets! :lol:
At least they are all pointed the same way :oops: The only time it has ever happened to me was with a Ruger 1 in 8 twist 6.5x55 and the thankfully now defunct blue coated 140 gr Barnes XLC, man that was a long bullet.