My Blaser K95


Jul 16, 2011
I thought I'd stick some pics on showing my rifle.
It's the standard Luxus offering with a wood upgrade & spec.'d out as I wanted.......with hindsight, I should have had their 'Kickstop' rather than a 'Butt stock magazine'. But, that's all I'd have changed.
A new barrel of different calibre may be added at any time....a new scope would be needed too of course. The kickstop would have been useful with a heavier calibre.
I hope you folk enjoy seeing the pics.


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Tom -
I would like to know where Blaser finds all the nice wood they use in their stocks. That is not only a great tool, but art at it's finest as well. I love the way the butt stock is designed for extra cartridges.

Is recoil about like a .243 with the magna-port? Have you tried many powders besides 4350 to see if there was any difference in velocity with the short barrel.
Them uropeein stocks sur is purty.

Seriuosly though, very nice rifle. I really like the lines on a single shot rifle.

E.T. what is the length of pull on that stock?
I have loads with Vit. N160, H4350 & IMR4350. The loads are very specific to my rifle & both H & IMR 4350 shot to a very close 'same' impact point at 100 yards. The N160 seems to be rather slower.
My chrony is missing at present, so I haven't been able to check the velocity on any loads lately, but I estimate H4350 to be the quickest at around 3180 fps & IMR4350 somewhat slower at around 3150. But I cannot yet verify & I may be far wrong.
However, I'm not wrong with the accuracy, best from IMR4350 at 1/4" MOA & not much worse from H4350.

The recoil is somewhat more than .243Win. still very light though. The mag-na-ports reduce muzzle flip significantly, so I see uninterrupted quarry reaction to impact.

I understand their wood comes mostly from does nearly all the 'special' wood these days. But the prices are rising...I don't know what Roger paid for the new piece of stick for his 6.5x47, but his wife says: 'It's the most expensive piece of firewood I've seen in a long time'.
As I understand it, that wood is originally from Turkey too, but was bought via a stock dealer in California USA.
Cheers, Tom
For sure, a handsome rifle that would make anyone proud to carry afield.
Hi Bruce, trigger to butt is 14 1/4".
Barrel 20.5"
All up Weight, loaded 7 1/4 lbs.
Cheers, Tom


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I had a kleingunther rifle years back and it too had a 14 1/4" lop. Why to European stocks have such long lops?

That is one beautiful rifle! I lke the shell holder, a real novel idea,

Super looking rifle and shoots really well too. Thanks for the pictures. The Blazer is a really classic rifle.