- May 18, 2011
- 2,024
- 21
November is birthday month in my house. My youngest (Isabella) turned 1 on 11/7, my oldest (Megan) turned 10 on 11/10 (my middle one, Anna, was 7 in June). My brother and myself both have b-days this month, too.
Since it was Bella's first birthday and Megan was hitting the big 1-0, we decided to rent a hall yesterday (11/18) and have a big bash. We had lots of friends and family come and party with us, and it was a great time.
Then came a small cake for Isabella, we sang to her, and she mashed up that cake like a pro! Then we sang to Megan, and her custom-designed cake (her design) came out with candles. As we finished, I hear my wife say "And now we sing one more time for Tom!" and everyone sang for my birthday and she had a small cake for me, too. I thought that was pretty cool to share in my daughters' b-day party, but then my wife says, "Here, open this." and hands me a BIG box wrapped like it was one of the girls' packages, which is why I never thought twice about it being in all the stuff I HELPED pack in the car, lol.
I opened it up, to find a Hornady Powered Case Prep center. You know, the one that has a powered trimmer and six attachment points for deburring, chamfering, neck brushes, and primer pocket cleaners? I was floored.
I hate case prep with a passion. My wife heard my tell my dad I wanted to get one of these units and went and got her parents and my parents to chip in and they all bought it for me for my birthday.
I knew I had a keeper. She just keeps proving to me I was right.
Since it was Bella's first birthday and Megan was hitting the big 1-0, we decided to rent a hall yesterday (11/18) and have a big bash. We had lots of friends and family come and party with us, and it was a great time.
Then came a small cake for Isabella, we sang to her, and she mashed up that cake like a pro! Then we sang to Megan, and her custom-designed cake (her design) came out with candles. As we finished, I hear my wife say "And now we sing one more time for Tom!" and everyone sang for my birthday and she had a small cake for me, too. I thought that was pretty cool to share in my daughters' b-day party, but then my wife says, "Here, open this." and hands me a BIG box wrapped like it was one of the girls' packages, which is why I never thought twice about it being in all the stuff I HELPED pack in the car, lol.
I opened it up, to find a Hornady Powered Case Prep center. You know, the one that has a powered trimmer and six attachment points for deburring, chamfering, neck brushes, and primer pocket cleaners? I was floored.
I hate case prep with a passion. My wife heard my tell my dad I wanted to get one of these units and went and got her parents and my parents to chip in and they all bought it for me for my birthday.
I knew I had a keeper. She just keeps proving to me I was right.