I don't quite know why I have to mess with a good thing but I do , or did. I have been playing with my 300 win mag since last year , and I had a pretty good load of 180 gr AB and RL-22. Fast forward a year and I am almost out of Rl-22 and have not had any luck locating more so far. As an aside I ran low on 180 gr AB's and found some 165 AB's and !65 sst on sale, I figured this is good as the sst will make for plinking practice rounds and the AB's will be used for hunting.
Well I started off load development down along the same lines as my buddys T3 also in 300, and found out pretty quickly that my rifle did not seem to like either bullet powder combo using 4831. avg groups were 3" -4" at 100. So after a little researching I found one of my favorite powders Hy-Brid 100 and the sst are listed in the latest hornady manual. So I started playing with these my first set of reloads at starting load of 64 grs shrunk to a consistent 1.5" 5 shot group, The accu bonds were almost as good with 2 , 5 shot groups at 1.75" average. I think I can work with this.
Fast forward to yesterday and I bumped the AB load up to 66.5 grs of Hy-brid 100, and lengthend my col to 3.410 from 3.380, ( I know I should only change one varible at a time) . This puts me at .015 off the lands . So the range was full yesterday and the 100 yrd line was filled up so I set-up at 200 and fired 2 groups of 5 with the accu-bonds, the following is my best group at 200 and leaves me feeling ho-hum.
Now the shooter was a bit rushed , as I was running late for supper.LOL but I was hoping for better. on a side note this rifle always seems to print the first cold bore shot a bit right and a bit low. Shot #3 is where i was aiming for all 5 . I am a litttle deflated and have been used to things getting on track a bit quicker then with this rifle /load combo. Give me some input guys Keep fine tuning, I am hoping to shoot another 10 shots today or tomarrow before changing anything.
Well I started off load development down along the same lines as my buddys T3 also in 300, and found out pretty quickly that my rifle did not seem to like either bullet powder combo using 4831. avg groups were 3" -4" at 100. So after a little researching I found one of my favorite powders Hy-Brid 100 and the sst are listed in the latest hornady manual. So I started playing with these my first set of reloads at starting load of 64 grs shrunk to a consistent 1.5" 5 shot group, The accu bonds were almost as good with 2 , 5 shot groups at 1.75" average. I think I can work with this.
Fast forward to yesterday and I bumped the AB load up to 66.5 grs of Hy-brid 100, and lengthend my col to 3.410 from 3.380, ( I know I should only change one varible at a time) . This puts me at .015 off the lands . So the range was full yesterday and the 100 yrd line was filled up so I set-up at 200 and fired 2 groups of 5 with the accu-bonds, the following is my best group at 200 and leaves me feeling ho-hum.
Now the shooter was a bit rushed , as I was running late for supper.LOL but I was hoping for better. on a side note this rifle always seems to print the first cold bore shot a bit right and a bit low. Shot #3 is where i was aiming for all 5 . I am a litttle deflated and have been used to things getting on track a bit quicker then with this rifle /load combo. Give me some input guys Keep fine tuning, I am hoping to shoot another 10 shots today or tomarrow before changing anything.