New additions


Oct 23, 2006
Just picked up a couple to add to my collection...

First up is a Mk V Deluxe in .460


It is a Japanese model with the Pendleton brake.

Next up is a Mk V Euromark in .378



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:mrgreen: now that is some sweet looking stuff rite their and congratulations! Must have a PDog hunt coming up :lol:
Very nice. Fotis should be along shortly to admire those big boomers. :grin:
Those are two great looking rifles :). My God son really wants a 460 but just fell in love with a Mauser custom in the 300 H&H, that just reminded me that I have to text him to see if he picked up that 300 H&H :mrgreen:.

Wow, very nice! Talk about a pair of boomers! Great wood on them rifles!
Very nice looking small caliber rifles.
You must be getting ready for P Dog season. Just load a stout load and be ready for a charge and you'll be right. :)

Thanks guys. I made the mistake of selling the previous ones, so this is my second chance to redeem myself :)

Just in the middle of a house move, but hope to get them scoped up and out to the range for some load work. Will keep you posted.

The 378 will be a nice companion to my 7mm Euromark.
That is a fine pair of big bore stoppers, congratulations.
I have a Mark V Euromark in 416 Wby. :grin:

460 It would take two professional wrestlers hog tying me to get me to fire that one. A much better man than me. The 375 Weatherby was more than enough to convince me I'd never try firing a 460. I love the tiger tail design on the 378.
Nice!..some real heavy hitters right there 8) ..lots of oomph! :twisted:

Big guns for a big guy :)

Just have to figure out what scopes to mount on these artillery pieces...maybe Talley mounts and Leupold VX2 or VX3?