New and Improved Nosler Forum


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
Nosler is pleased to release the newly updated Nosler Forum. In addition to a completely new look and design, we are now on the most current version of forum platform software which offers a vast improvement in speed and functionality. Members don’t need to make any changes to their accounts, all of your usernames, passwords, and data remain the same, so log on and enjoy the new format.

New Features/improvements:

Mobile Friendly (No need for Tapatalk)

Gallery Feature for uploading photos

Easier Sign up and account maintenance

The Forum will be in maintenance mode this afternoon, so you won’t be able to do anything except view it. When you see the new design, the new site is live, and you can use the forum as normal.

I'm adjusting to the changes. Some appear quite positive. Others are going to take some time for me to appreciate. Then, that is what happens when you get old and crotchety.
Seems to be quicker on my phone. Could use a little color , black and white seems outdate for 2021.
Where did the stickies go that where on top of each page and the emojis?
I like that it is very user friendly.
Very cool, I finally joined yesterday after being a long time lurker.

Just curious-will search engine results directing to old threads start working as the new platform is around a while?
All I get via google is “oops-we ran into some problems”
Getting more use to it. Gets better the more I use it. Haven't tried from my phone yet. That would be a plus, I think. Dan.
We've been reading all of the feedback and taking notes. We think a tutorial section might be the first place to start. Feel free to Start a Conversation with a list of questions you may have or helped others with.
Successfully added pictures today.
Disappointed that it appears none of my following info came over, so still adding people I like to follow.