New Magnum ammunition for non-magnum rifles?


Apr 11, 2007
Has anyone seen these or tried these rounds?

Seems to be a different powder they are using to get higher velocity in a non-mag rifle.

Would this be hard on the barrel?

Any opinions on this ammunition?

Heres some velocity tables to compare 270, 270 mag ammo and 270 wsm in that order.

Heres a link to the cartridge cutaway

Second cartridge down[/img]
I have never used light mags or heard of the new ones, but, if you are gaining in velocity, then you are increasing the chamber pressure most likely. It will be a little harder on your barrel, but I wouldn't worry about it. I would guess that the difference would be noticed after a couple thousand rounds.
I have never used this ammunition either but I have been told NOT to use it in semi automatic rifles. I don't know this first hand, only what I have heard FWIW.

I studied up on it today.

Britz, The pressure is not that much higher and i know what your isn't it? Not possible you say, im not sure how but hornady claims that the pressure is not a lot higher.

Look here


JD338, You are right. It says not to use it in a semi auto.
Lets just assume that it will be used in a bolt action hunting rifle.

Anyone else have any opinions?
I've read a bit about the ammo here on the chatrooms. It seems that they use a very slow but highly compressed powder. The velocity probably isn't going to be quite as good as they say. I once saw a pressure test and it wasn't high at all.....probably no where near the wsm loadings that are coming out of most the factory. If I remember right it was some enhanced 30-06 ammo and it was doing about 56k for pressure.
Accuracy with this ammo can be "iffy". The only way to find out if your bolt action likes it is to try some. BUT,,,,the bottom line is whats another 100 fps velocity vrs a super accurate load. I'll take the accurate load any day.
I use it in my 257 roberts. It shoots fantastic. I haven'tr put it over a chrono yet. I will hopefully do it soon. :grin:
I have used Federal High Energy 180 Partitions in the 30-06
and the 140 Trophy bonded in 270 Win again with the HE Federal brand,

The 270 was a true disappointment velocity wise....2850 fps (so much for the 3000 fps claimed. I still took a goat out to 330 yards with it though.

The 30-06 shot well and get this 2885 fps through my 35P chrono.
I use the Hornady Light Mag in a 308 shooting the 150gr SST's and regular Spire points out of my Steyr SBS and they both shoot 1/2" @ 100yds. I have never checked speed but with them shooting like that why bother. :)