New Mexico Oryx Info.

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
This is number one on my dream list . The Oryx hunts on White Sands in New Mexico, if I can get drawn. Have any of you gone on this hunt or know anything about it? It sounds like as close as I'll get to hunting on other continents. Do you have any suggestions on hunting or appropriate callibers? I'm still wanting an antelope in Wyoming but I can dream.
Thank you for any help.
Elkhunt :grin:
Greg, if you have an elk rifle use it. I shot one in RSA in 2001 with my 300 BEE, first shot went through both lungs and he ran off for 20 seconds then ran back and laid down under a tree and I shot him again to finish him . Tough animal, took two 180 gr partitions in front of 78 gr IMR 4350.
Shot one back in 1993, I was stationed at Holloman AFB back then and lived in Alamogordo, they are pretty big animals any elk caliber rifle will do the job, I used a 300 win. mag. I didn't think they tasted all that great, reminded me of goat. If you get drawn, and you do the homework you will get one , they are not very elusive animals, white sands area is very vast, get up on an elevated knoll or dune and glass. Alot of in-breeding has been going on in the past years so you will see some funky looking horns on some of the oryx there, they do have depredation hunts too, i'm not sure but it might be open to non-residents also. ...K
Thank you all for the info. Are there any helpfull hints about areas or meat lockers or Where to stay. I don't know where the entrance to White Sands is so I'm at a loss where to book a room. (You can tell I'm excited because the chances to be drawn are 7 to 1 I'm told) but I still want one. I'll turn it in to pepper sticks if I have to, but what a beautifull animal!!!
Thank you all. This is a great forum because everyone is so helpfull. I'm going to put in for area 47 in New Mexico for antelope on a recomendation I got here and hope for the best also.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
Hello Greg-

I'm a native New Mexican and have hunted oryx several times, both on range (once-in-a-lifetime) and depredation. My wife has taken two, my dad two, and one myself. Question; do you just want to shoot one, or are you looking for a trophy the first time? Reason why I ask, is that NMGF offers a broken horn oryx hunt that doesn't count against your once-in-a-lifetime hunt, and yes they are on the missile range just check the Big Game Hunting Regs.

Depending on the time of year you want to go will depend on the choices you put in for. If you want a specific time frame, you'll have to put in for different areas. If it doesn't matter when then you can focus your efforts for one area. If it's area, I would recommend the Small Missile Range unit. It is smaller than the other two, but there are also less hunters. Hunt the foothills of the mountains in that unit, particularly south and west toward Organ Pass (HWY 70), that's where the big ones are. If you hunt Stallion, I would say hunt the western edge where they let you drive, or get over toward the NW corner toward the foothills of the mountains (south of Bingham). I hunted the Rhodes Canyon unit the same year 9/11 happened and shot a 36 inch bull. Back then there were five units: Stallion, Rhodes Canyon, Tulorossa Gate, Small Range, and Red Canyon. Now there are only three: Stallion, Rhodes, and Small. On my hunt, they combined the Rhodes and Tulorossa unit (I actually shot mine in the Tulorossa unit 30 miles north of the Tulorossa gate). If your looking for a specific month, then I'd go Small, Rhodes, Stallion for your choices.

It isn't a sure thing on a kill either. We were on a depredation hunt earlier in Nov (my wife's tag). The first day of the Stallion hunt, only 48 were taken the first day out of 120 hunters. Yes, some were holding out for the trophy, others just flat out missed. Some hunters do go home without one - even when they hunt hard.

Oryx are fairly predictable in that they run in a straight line away from danger and rarely deviate from their course, which makes it easy to head them off if you have knowledge of the area and how the roads interconnect. Also, they don't jump fences, they crawl through them and under them like antelope, which can be an advantage. I've seen where they've walked for almost 2 miles before they crossed a fence looking for an easy and suitable place to cross. Cows have usually will have longer and more slender horns, where bulls will have shorter but more massive horns (bulls give the best score if that's what you're after). The rings on the bulls horns will be roughly 1/3 the length of the horn wheras a cow will usually be around 1/4 on a big one.

As far as caliber goes, we've taken 4 out of the five with a .270 - the two my wife has taken were with a .270 wsm. She shot both with a Nosler AccuBond - wonderful bullet! Oryx aren't as tough as a lot of people think they are. Elk will travel just as far when hit poorly. Oryx actually have a smaller bone structure than elk - they are built to run across the Savanna, not up and down mountains and jumping over things. Oryx are actually a gazell, hence their taxonomic name Oryx Gazella. As far as shot placement, I would recommend level with the top of the "racing stripe" and about 2-3 inches in from the crease of the shoulder or a high shoulder shot plumb with the fron leg. Don't try a low neck shot - the neckbone of an oryx looks like the P-Trap of a kitchen sink. The vertabrae actually dip down toward the throat and back up to where you'll see the hump on their shoulder.

Good optics are a must! Most of the time you spot them when they are looking at you, showing that pretty black and white face. They will hang around long enough for you shoot at generally, but not forever.

Sorry if this was long winded, hope it helps and good luck on your draw efforts. I will be going again this hunting season with my brother and a friend in January. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Oh yeah, depending on where you draw will depend on where you stay. If you draw Stallion, you'll stay in Soccorro. There is a Holiday Inn Express, Motel 6, Super 8, and Comfort Inn to name a few. Rhodes Canyon you'll stay in Alamogordo, and the Small Range in Las Cruces. Both these towns have several options all modern hotel chains (Las Cruces is where NM State Univ is). Attached is a picture of the one my wife got this past month.


Thank you for the specific information. That is exactly what I was hoping for. You weren't long winded you were very informative. I want an Oryx and I will do what it takes. I know there is the broken horn hunt but I'd like a typical animal. I dont care about trophy status. I hunt elk and every one is a trophy to me even the cow elk I'm lucky enough to tag. I'll never, as I said, get to Africa but this is close enough for me. A female would do if thats what I can find. I hunt hard and don't give up. If I get lucky enough to draw a tag do you mind if I contact you? The small missle range or Stallion sound to be the best by what you said. Is there a meat locker anywhere near there or should I just bring a lot of ice with me? Thank you very much for the info.
Greg Nolan

Where are you coming from? Will you be driving or flying? There are meat processors in both Las Cruces and Socorro, as well as Abq. If you draw, drop me a PM. We won't know until early March 2008.
Thanks High Desert
I'll be comming from Auburn, Ca. Between Sacramento and Reno Nevada in the mountains. I'll drive my pick up truck and stay somewhere there if I'm lucky enough to be drawn. The price of gas is such that pulling a trailer that far is not worth it. I just got the bug to go for Oryx and I can't shake it. They are magnificant looking. I'll send you a PM if I draw. Thank you very much for your help and information. This is a great forum!!
Good HUnting
Elkhunt :grin: