New Nightforce SHV


Nov 1, 2012
Okay all. I saw this, and I instantly became enamored:

I have always wanted a Nightforce, and they have FINALLY brought out a lower priced model! The IHR reticle looks fantastic, and having illumination as well? Double win possibly. I read a review by David Petzal that is really swaying me to get this.

The only downsides to it that I see are the 56mm objective, and the weight of it. Otherwise, I think my Zeiss 3-9 may eventually be going on my CZ so I can run this on my Montana...

Also, they have it available in their MOAR reticle for the FN SPR I am saving for.

What do you guys say? Good choice?
Nightforce glass is very good, indeed. The scopes themselves are literally bullet proof; they take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. I personally would not enjoy the much larger objective. Since I'm not hunting during the night hours, there is no justification for that large an objective. The scope weight will be considerable. If you plan on carrying the rifle, the added weight could be a negative. I never considered the price of Nightforce scopes to be out of line with what you are getting. I don't know if you are giving up too much to justify the lower price on this particular scope; I'd have to do more research before I made that decision. On the whole, I'm more negative than I am positive. That is just my opinion, and its pretty much worth what you paid for it. :grin:

You raised some very valid points. I think it may be wise to save a few more bucks for the NXS Compact?
I think they should have stopped at 50mm
Americans just don't like the 56, they don't sell well here.

The NXX 2.5-10x42 is a damned nice little scope though
I haven't been keeping track if it is a Kimber Montana or Montana 1999, but I think it would handle like a pig (very top heavy) with that heavy of scope on a light rifle.

Cool scope, though!
I had one 50mm objective and really did not like how it looked :( but it was on a 1" tube. I know have 1 Zeiss with a 1" tube but a 36mm objective and my other scopes are all 30 mm tubes and 42mm objectives. That is as large of objectives as I need or like :wink:.
My Godson shoots a NF on his 338 Laupa and swears by them, he is selling the Laupa or has already sold it (not sure) but is keeping the NF for his next rifle which I think is a Model 70 in the 300 H&H.
There is little doubt that the NF is as durable as they come but as Mike stated they are on the heavy end.

I was a bit surprised by this. I was excited when hearing that they were going to introduce a new scope/line, but am disappointed in the resulting product. If they are aiming for more of the "hunting" market, I would have thought they'd have elected to go with a smaller diameter objective and lower weight. I'm in the market for a scope to set up a 6.5 CM primarily as a hunting rifle, and I'd buy their NXS 2.5-10x42 before this thing...

Welcome to the forum. It's always good to see new people posting. I'm with you, unfortunately, in registering disappointment in this introduction. It is undoubtedly a fine scope in its own right. Unfortunately, it won't excite the gun cranks among us, I suspect.
Thanks for the welcome -- this is a great forum! Nightforce makes some great stuff, but can't seem to make anything that really hits my needs (hunting first, targets second)... I understand their wanting to enter that scope market that hovers around $1k, but would really like to know their logic behind the objective size, weight, etc...
maverick2":cgfwos14 said:
Thanks for the welcome -- this is a great forum! Nightforce makes some great stuff, but can't seem to make anything that really hits my needs (hunting first, targets second)... I understand their wanting to enter that scope market that hovers around $1k, but would really like to know their logic behind the objective size, weight, etc...

+1 . Yup. Same question. I was all gung-ho on this scope but the weight and objective size made it a no-go, so the 2.5-10x42 is what I have my sights set on