New Remington Brass, case necks out of round



I could use some clarity here,

I shoot a 300 RUM. To true up the case necks with new brass is it best to FL re-size to ensure proper neck tension? Typically I just pop the neck through the die just enough to true up any flaws. It seems to me while seating the bullet there isn't enough resistance compared to a case that has been FL re-sized. Or am I just being anal.


On new brass, I partial full length resize. I run it about 85% which is enough to square up everything for a fire form.

I've always FL sized all new brass before first firing. I like everything to be spec and round. I've actually worked with one very tight chambered rifle that unsized new brass provided a few unchamberable pieces. After that, everything gets FL sized before first loading.
Same here, I run all brass except for Nosler into the sizing die to get the necks round. The Nosler's have not needed that extra step, but Win and RP brass is notorious for banged and dented up necks. Scotty
Thanks for the input. I'm going to FL size the brass from now on, it seems to have more advantages.

Thanks for the 24 hr. insight. That's exactly what I have been doing. I just pop the case neck over
the sizer ball to true up the necks. But what I'm experiencing is as intially posted, seating the bullets seems to easy with little resistance compared to a FL re-sized case.

For any of you guys on this thread, would more neck tension, say on my re-sized cases produce more pressure upon that given load ?

you can only have so much neck tension . after you go past this point your bullet acts like an expander , and expands the case neck . I'd say about .004" neck tension is about max .

more neck tension could help your velocity extreme spread by making your bullet build pressure before leaving the case . having the exact same neck tension will give the same start pressure on each round and this will help your ES . annealing the cases comes into play here too . using hard brass or soft brass will effect consistent neck tension due to brass spring back .

I really don't think neck tension will change your overall pressure by any measurable amount , but it could help your groups . Jim
On virgin brass I only run them through the neck.....