New to reloading


Dec 23, 2004
As the title suggests I'm new to the game. I'm planning on reloading for a Win. Model 70 in a 30.06 and I also have a Remington 7600 in the same caliber. What I've tried so far is a 150gr. Partition Gold over 49.5gr of Reloder15 with less than desirable results. I got 3 more combinations bumping my load up a 1/2 gr. at a time but due to weather have been unable to get to the range to see if they provide better results. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Give us some more information

What were your group sizes?


Are these moly coated Partition Golds, or Moly Free?

Also what powders do you have in your inventory?

We are here to help.
In my son's 30-06 I have loaded, with good results, 150 BT with 57.5gn Reloader 19. I would think your powder load is way low. The load I have mentioned is the lowest load for this bullet/powder combo in the Nosler manual.

1. Group size was to poor to even measure.
2. May sound stupid but, OAL?
3. Moly Free
4. For now Reloder15 is it.

49.5gr was the recommended start load.

Just trying to get an idea on what works for everybody else. I've been on the board for about a week as a guest and it seemed, I'm assuming RL15 and Reloder15 is the same powder, most of ya'll preferred most anything over this particular product.

OAL is "over all length" of your cartridge it is also refered to as "COL" cartridge overall length. Depending on your chamber length you set up your OAL of the cartridge accordingly. There can be many variables in getting good loads for any specific rifle. Try the load I used out of the Nosler book. And set the OAL at the SAMMI recommendation. I really like Reloader 15 for my 308 but for the 06 IMR 4350 is very popular as is Reloader 19. I did some more checking and you are correct (of course you knew that :) )about the gn weight for Reloader 15. I have never tried it as there seemed to be better alternatives (in my mind).

"OAL" it hit me a few minutes after I posted> 3.29"

I went with it because I'm planning on loading some 125's for coyotes, just as soon as they get here, and it works with both weights. Being I'm just getting started my inventory is very limited for now.
I think you`ll find the ballistic tip more accurate then the Partition. I`d try 4350 either Hodgdons or IMR with the 150 gr BT at around 58/58.5gr -please work up to it- and play with the COL. I`ve two `06s and both shoot this combo well.
Acually the 30-06 isn`t hard to please and the R15 you have should work. The bullet has more effect on accuracy in my experiance then powder type. I think you`ll find accuracy to improve as you work up closer to max, I said closer, not at.
I`ve used 4064, IMR4350 and R19 and all have been satisfactory with a bullet the rifle liked.
I'm going to second both the RL-19 and 150BT suggestions, start low and work up. BTW, My 30-06 likes that combo (-19 & 150grBT) at the book max charge weight of 61.5gr in a Rem case (well under 1MOA out past 600yd).
Trying to stick with only one powder for 2 different bullet weights is a false economy, at least if your after accuracy.
Thanks for the suggestions and help. I'm know you can't have 1 powder that's a do all, I guess I kinda give the wrong impression when I said it'd do both weights I mainly plan on loading the 125 gr. Ballistic Tips and they had to be ordered. Again thanks for the suggestions and help.

Keep them coming I'm writing all this stuff down.

Welcome to reloading. You will soon find that you will have a few different kinds of powder and bullets to play with, striving for perfection.

Please keep in mind that the M7600 action is not as robust as the M70.
Its a great rifle but lacks the caming of a strong bolt action like your M70.
Using MAX loads in your pump could result in a stuck case in the chamber. Although every rifle is an individual, best to play it safe and keep your M7600 MAX loads below the published MAX load data.

My best loads for my M700 30-06 (I sold this rifle a couple years back) were very accurate MAX loads, shooting .5" to .75" groups at 100 yds.

150 gr Nosler PT
IMR4530 59.0 grs
W-W Case
CCI 200 Primers

165 gr Speer
IMR4895 48.5 grs
R-P Case
CCI 200 Primer

180 gr Hornady
IMR4350 55.0 grs
W-W Case
CCI 200 Primers

These MAXIMUM loads were developed back in the late 1970's but shot very well out of my M700. If you should decide to try these loads, use them only in your M70 and work up carefully, watching for pressure signs. I have since gone exclusevly with Nosler bullets and Federal Match grade primers for all my rifles.

Hope this information is helpful.



You may find that the Reloder 15 is a little too fast burning for the 30-06 with full power loads.

I have had very good success in several 30-06 rifles, including a Remington 760 pump that shot way better than it should have when using a load of 57 grains of IMR 4350 behind a 165 grain bullet.

I have had good luck with this load with several brands of bullets. It seems to be a well balanced load.

In regard to the Partition Gold bullet, those suckers are tough. My step son used them this year to shoot a cow elk with his 270 Winchester. Only problem was, that 150 Partition Gold went clear through and killed another cow standing behind it. This with WInchester factory Supreme loads.

Try some IMR 4350 or H 4350 in the 30-06, I think you will have better luck.

Thanks again everybody, I figure the best way to learn is to do it and talk with people that are experienced. If I become annoying just tell me to shutup, that'll work for a little while.

Whenever somebody starts the reloading thing there are lots of questions and everybody looks for advice to save them time and money. No sense re-inventing the wheel if you don't have to. A couple of years ago I had tons of questions (knew no one locally who reloaded) so everything I learned I either read in the several reloading books I purchased, looked up on the internet or got answers from good hearted and knowledgable people like there are on this site. Another great forum is Graybeard Outdoors. Infact, Nosler is one of the Sponsors of Graybeard Outdoors.

That's the problem I have, no one locally reloads, I know some that do but the intranet is my only real contact with them. Most of the people I know can make a box of shells last 4 or 5 years, I like to squeeze that trigger more than that.
I actually can state that I had good results in a 20" barreled Model 70 Lightweight carbine with Reloder 15 and the 150 gr bullets in 30'06. With 52.0 gr of Reloder 15, a Federal 210 primer and Federal case, I managed to average right around 1 inch for 3 shot groups at 100 yards. Alliant's data page shows the '06 achieving its' highest velocity with Reloder 15 with both the 125 gr and 150 gr bullets. However, like everyone else has said, every rifle is different and yours may or may not like Reloder 15 as much as mine did. Also my data is like 12 years old, so it is possible that today's lots of Reloder 15 have a different burning rate than it did back when I was using it.
The only way to be sure is to work up carefully and test. The 30-06 is a pretty easy cartridge to load, and I am sure there are many many combinations that will provide more than adequate results.
Welcome to the site and to reloading.

There are a lot of powders that will work in the ol'06,as somebody else said "they ain't hard to please".A few I haven't seen mentioned are IMR-4064,H-414 and Win-760 as they work well in mine.

Your already doing the right thing by trying different charge weights of the RL-15.

You may / likely find that one of your rifles will like one Powder,Bullet or Combo,while it stinks in the other one.Approach each one the same way Start Low and Work Up.Hopefully during the process you will find a combo that will work for you in both rifles.The Fun is trying out all the different combo's.

Good Luck and Good Shooting.