Nikon Monach ATB 8X56 binos??

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
I need to buy a new pair of binos for nightime work and am looking into these Nikons with nearly a 7mm exit pupil. I have a pair of these in 8x42 and they are ok but I have not looked thru this particular pair and would welcome anything anyone has to say about them .
I normally like Minox binos, but these are available for $280 on the net and the best I seam to come up with for Minoxs is about $500................. so I would never use them enough in this limited applacation to justify spending that for a set, so am going to buy down in the $250 sorta price range. Any other suggestions also appreaciated . I looked thru a set of Vortex Vultures in 8x56 and liked them alot, but would like to hear from some of the boys on here that have actually messed with them ?????? Here is the link to some I am gawkin at. ... 51a941cad4
Earle, have you checked out the Minox 8x42's? Just asking as I paid 100-125 bucks for a pair for my son and I cannot tell the difference between those and my Zeiss Victory's, night or day. Maybe I got lucky, but they are really nice and cheap too.
I already have a pair of them Scotty, and I recon they are the best buy in a pair of glasses on the market today! But just wondered if the larger exit pupil might help out here on those dark nites??? The 8x56 seams like a nice option as long as you dont have to lug them far.............
I have had some for about 4 years..
Bill Wilson turned me on to them...
They are VERY good low light binos
I have yet to find a scope irregardless of price that are better in LOW light, like pig hunting at night..

Mine don't say "ATB"
that is a newer designation, so, I am not sure if mine are exactly the same but I bet they are..

They are very easy to use for hours, and have a giant field of view.
Earle, at our age, we would be lucky to get to a 5mm exit pupil on a good day. I honestly don't think that you would gain much with the 7mm glass?