nilgai ribs on the smoker


Feb 13, 2016
Just pulled a frozen slab of nilgai ribs and unwrapped, letting it thaw out to prep to smoke it in the Traeger. I'm wondering if the membrane is tough to pull off which is easy on babyback ribs. Have anyone done nilgai ribs, if so, would you have any recommendations? Thanks in advance.
How did those nilgai ribs turn out?
Sorry for the late reply, the outside had some meat i had left on there, it had some membrane between that and the ribs, so it was a bit chewy, I sliced the ribs individually to separate them, and the meat between the ribs wasn't chewy. Next time I'll smoke it a little longer than 6 hours. Got to keep them wrapped after two hours unwrapped in the beginning of the smoke. It was my first time though. Got to learn it, still have two more slabs in the freezer.