No buck, just photos

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Today's hike. Er... Hunt! No mule deer showed up, so I shot a few photos instead of a buck. Dang.



Proven combo: Swaro rangefinder. Rem 700 .25-06, and 6x Leupold. The rifle has picked up some "battle scars" and wear marks. I like it!
Looks like a lovely afternoon. I must say that I'm always impressed by your photographic skills, Guy. These are just great. The buck will come along in due time.
Once again amazing photos, thanks for sharing them. To bad on no deer. What kind of camera is it by the way?

Thanks guys. Camera is a little point and shoot Canon Powershot SD890. I've been real happy with it, and it's small enough to drop into my shirt pocket. That lake is so pretty though, that it would be hard to take a bad photo.

Put a lot of miles in hiking and climbing the last three days. Taking it slow this morning, having some coffee, contemplating where I'll head and how to handle the last few days of the season. Sure not seeing many deer.

That CDL in the pictures looks GREAT Guy. I will have to try and take a few of its bigger brother (my CDL Whelen)... It will be out in Oregon in a few days. Hope to get some decent pictures. I am not sure how good my pictures will turn out, but I will give it a whirl. You have surely motivated me to take better pictures. Scotty
I think we are going to be chasing elk somewhere around LaGrange? Not exactly sure. Never been there. I am relying on my native elk guide. HA! Scotty
Scott, it is called La Grande. It is on the east side of Oregon, in the Blues. I built most of the Boise Cascade mill there, several years ago. It used to be good hunting. I think they have real short seasons, with lots of hunters. Good Luck to you.
Well the season ended without a shot being fired. Never even saw a legal buck. Phooey. Sure had a good time hunting with my son and a friend though. Put in a lot of miles and a lot of hours afield. Enjoyed tremendously. Perhaps I'll get out for late elk, late season whitetail or even a turkey hunt.

Meanwhile, the steelhead & salmon are running!

Good thing I got the "trophy photos." They'll look good on the wall, but they're not likely to do so well on the BBQ... :grin:
On the other hand, Guy, the trophy photos do last longer. Console yourself on one of Washington's superb rivers teasing one of those powerful fish to strike a fly.
Guy, Outstanding as always. I always look forward to your professional quality photos and interesting reports.