Noem killing her dog...


May 26, 2018
What do you think about that?
Yeah, if you don't train a wirehair right it will challenge you. I don't know her experience with dogs.

But shooting it without trying to fix him with external help?

Has a bad taste to me.
Writing it in a book even more so.

what I've heard from her in the news , is she was this dogs second chance . the dog had bite when the first owner had him , and it was mean , and biting with her family . she had young kids at home , a mean dog and young kids is a poor combination .

how about Obama talking about eating dogs , is that better for you ?
The last dog I had was part Boston Terrier and Pit Bull of all things. Cute as a pup when we got him buy grew nasty disposition as he grew older. He tried to bite a man who was at my house on business and I was thinking something might need to be done. One day he got out almost five years ago and hasn't been seen since. I remember that day as it was 115 in the shade an his water was in the house. FWIW, 117 degrees is the all time record high temp for Tucson. Either someone picked him up, not necessarily good* the heat got him or one of our wandering coyotes got him.

*There are individuals who grab "stray" dogs and put them in with their fighting dogs for kill practice. Sometimes they out and out steal them. I have no use for such vermin.
Paul B.
I was 12 when my inattention led to one of my dogs killing sheep. It was my bad and dad made me handle it. Never want to do that again. Bad dogs have to be delt with. I haven't read the book, don't trust the news to put this in context but off the cuff at least a bad judgement call to put it in her book.
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I was 12 when my intention led to one of my dogs killing sheep. It was my bad and dad made me handle it. Never want to do that again. Bad dogs have to be delt with. I haven't read the book, don't trust the news to put this in context but off the cuff at least a bad judgement call.
Most definitely a bad call.
It seems like we had the same bad experience Don.
Mom had a dog she called socks and was one of the meanest dogs I ever met. She would bite you after you stopped petting her. I'll probably carry the scares from one of her bites to my grave. I sat down beside Mom on the couch and socks was on her lap, Socks reached out and grabbed the web of my hand between my thumb and four finger biting clear through.
Socks was old and having problems so one Saturday mourning Mom told me to dig a hole to bury Socks and to put her out of her misery. As much as I disliked that dog it was one of the hardest things I had ever done.
The hardest was to watch a vet put my Lab down while he laid on my lap as I talked to him and gave him his last ear rub.
I loved that dog and he loved me, I cried like a baby.
Noem did double down and state that Joey's dog should be shot. Last count was 24 secret service and WH personal have been bitten at the WH.

I'm shocked that his dog hasn't been "shipped off to a farm with more room" or something similar. That thing is a menace.
Wait until it bites the Prime Minister of X country....
There is a reason a lot of police dogs are German Shepherds. They bite people who appear to them as untoward. I would bet Secret Service agents carry themselves with a bit of "ready to do harm" (as may be desired at times) and dogs pick up on that. If guarding/herding dog doesn't know the person is in charge, or the person who is usually in charge isn't nearby, they feel the need to take charge. The breeds I have been bitten by unprovoked were, Shepherds, Pits, and Aussie Cattle dogs. I like dogs. They are very much a part of the family to some. Bring up strong emotions. I think there are very few untrainable dogs, just people who are not persistent in learning how. Some may need a muzzle in public (as well as their dogs).
People most upset by this have never grew up on a farm. Part of life. Should a highly public figure put the story in a public book? No. I don't understand the point of it at all.

I like dogs a lot. Had them all my life, one is sleeping at my wife's feet as I speak. That said I wont tolerate them living life out of character. Over the years there has been a few that were given more than a fair shake then culled out and you move on.

I heard one Democrat news guest make the statement regarding this that it is unforgivable. What an assanine thing to say. Unforgivable. Give me a break. The same person will argue a woman's right to kill her baby. People have lost their ever loving twisted minds while somehow still managing to pat themselves on the back for being a good human because they feel a twinge of compassion and outrage over a dog.
People most upset by this have never grew up on a farm. Part of life. Should a highly public figure put the story in a public book? No. I don't understand the point of it at all.

I like dogs a lot. Had them all my life, one is sleeping at my wife's feet as I speak. That said I wont tolerate them living life out of character. Over the years there has been a few that were given more than a fair shake then culled out and you move on.

I heard one Democrat news guest make the statement regarding this that it is unforgivable. What an assanine thing to say. Unforgivable. Give me a break. The same person will argue a woman's right to kill her baby. People have lost their ever loving twisted minds while somehow still managing to pat themselves on the back for being a good human because they feel a twinge of compassion and outrage over a dog.
I concur.
You can't make this stuff up. Crazy times we live in.

Reminds me of my incident a number of years ago when I was doing my early morning walk through the neighborhood. Had a neighbor who rehabilitated dogs and was presently working with a pit bull who had been rescued from Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina. It seems the dog was a guard dog working for a "drug salesman" and was trained to attack on command. As I was passing him (from the other side of the street) I could see the dog staring at me and trying to get off the Reel leash he had the dog on. I commented to him that the dog seemed very agressive and he filled me in on its past history. All of a sudden the dog takes off for me and instead of the owner stopping him with the leash, the dog comes across making a beeline for my right ankle. I spun to the right and the dog missed my ankle but not my left hand. My hand was torn up instantly. The owner "then yanked the dog away" and I took a trip to the ER. What a mess. I was the second person bit and I found out the owner's neighbor an elderly woman had her ankle badly rearranged. Needless to say the dog went to doggy heaven after my bite. I'm just sorry I wasn't carrying my 9MM to end the problem before it started. It took over a year to get feeling back in my hand and the Doc said I was very lucky as tendons had also been torn. (I could see them).
With the mass breeding and cross breeding of the American bull terrier I wouldn't own one unless I knew all the history on the dog as there seems to be a lot of that breed out there that has been abused and trained for different uses that can't be corrected or changed.
My daughter has 3 she has rescued and all three have a different personality. She has gotten them as puppies and raised them, they all have had their DNA checked to see what they were crossed with before she would take them.
The first was a Stafford terrier crossed with a Lab. He has the hunter instinct of both breeds but has the stronger Stafford traits. You have to watch him around young children who have a lot of nervous energy. He's never bit anyone or attacked a child but has growled at them.
The last pit bull she got has a strong attitude towards anyone near food and has growled at the wife numerous times and then walked up to her for some love when there was no food involved. the second one is just a ball nut and wants to play ball 24-7. But he will go along with anything the Stafford does. I have watched him pop tennis balls with one chomp and collapse a horse kong ball will chewing one it. Very powerful jaws, wouldn't want him to get a hold of me.
I agree that there might be dogs that are beyond socialising.

But writing about it?

Why ?

Shoot, shovel, silence.
People most upset by this have never grew up on a farm. Part of life. Should a highly public figure put the story in a public book? No. I don't understand the point of it at all.

I like dogs a lot. Had them all my life, one is sleeping at my wife's feet as I speak. That said I wont tolerate them living life out of character. Over the years there has been a few that were given more than a fair shake then culled out and you move on.

I heard one Democrat news guest make the statement regarding this that it is unforgivable. What an assanine thing to say. Unforgivable. Give me a break. The same person will argue a woman's right to kill her baby. People have lost their ever loving twisted minds while somehow still managing to pat themselves on the back for being a good human because they feel a twinge of compassion and outrage over a dog.
Well said.