Nosler 280 Ackley Improved Brass Out Of Stock No Back Order


Jan 23, 2020
Every where I look this is the situation. What do you think is going on? Why is there no Back Order on the brass Nosler had SAAMI approved?
Midsouth Shooters Supply has Hornady unprimed brass, i have both and use both and can see no difference.
I recently figured out, the hard way, that not all Nosler 280 Ackley brass is the same...

I suspect they may have tried to make their own at the SSA facility, but that's just a guess...

What is a fact, beyond any doubt, is that whoever made that batch didn't even come close to the quality of whoever made the Nosler 280 Ackley brass I bought a few years ago.

The "new" stuff is terrible .... most of them have a donut at the bottom of the neck, easily felt when seating bullets.

The brass is a different compound.... shinier and much harder... this part isn't so bad though, the case capacity is several grains higher.

Maybe Nosler stopped production to work out the issues....I hope.

Very expensive brass, 2 boxes.... and they're unusable.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk be clear... I'm not sure when that brass was made....I bought it at Cabelas in Bristol, VA quite a while back (at least a year ago, maybe longer).

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If all else fails, it's simple to fire-form it from 280 Rem brass. I had a bunch of Nosler 280 Rem brass that I loaded and formed when I bought the Kimber 280AI. So far it's been great!
I bought some Nosler 280 AI brass from Midway back in January and while its usable, its terrible for what I paid for it. I had to trim every single piece to get it to min case length, About 30 of the case mouths were out of round, and the primer flash holes had to be deburred.
I dont mind the brass prep, actually I enjoy it, but when a company advertises that they took extra care and the brass is ready to load straight from the box then I expect the brass to be as such. The only reason I bought the Nosler is because I caught it on sale and Im glad it was.
I emailed Nosler to let them know they shouldn't command a premium price for a product thats no better than Hornady, Federal, etc. I still haven't heard anything back, and I dont expect to.

All that being said, I also got 50 pieces of Hornady 280AI and its just as good as the Nosler and it was cheaper.
They don't have any 6mm Remington brass either. What's going on here?? Maybe some day they'll start kicking it out.
Thank you for all the replies.

The post about the poor quality prepped Nosler brass concerns me. I have a box that I paid a high price for. I haven't gone through them yet. Disturbing for sure. I was hoping a Noser Rep/ Moderator would chime in as to why their brass is not available for back order on well known sites. One of the main reasons for me to take the 280 Ackley Improved step was Nosler got it approved and made the brass.
Orezona":yqb0fkpi said:
Ridgerunner, I can't see you pictures you posted.
I didn't post any... I'm not home to take any or I would post some though.

I'll be home the middle of next week sometime, I can then if I remember.

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Ridgerunner665":3ovck9x0 said:
Orezona":3ovck9x0 said:
Ridgerunner, I can't see you pictures you posted.
I didn't post any... I'm not home to take any or I would post some though.

I'll be home the middle of next week sometime, I can then if I remember.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

My fault, I was confused by the photo bucket in your signature. I thought it was a picture you posted that I couldn't see.
Excellent brass on the right.... junk on the left... both Nosler branded brass.

Notice the headstamps are different, and the pic doesn't show it....but the brass alloy is different too.

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After seeing your picture that you posted, I agree with your assesment. The box I bought was of the same batch obviously, because my headstamps are the same as the one on the left in the picture you posted.

Have you emailed Nosler, to see if they would shed any light into the situation?

I have not emailed them... been busy with other things (41 mag Henry).

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Ridgerunner, I doubt youd hear anything from them on the issue anyways. I did email them and still haven't gotten a response.

I checked mine again for the donut in the neck you mentioned and I dont see it or feel it on mine that I can tell. Im going to load it and use it since I already paid for it, but it will be a long time before I ever waste the money again on Nosler Brass. Its crazy to me how much they charge for it, yet its no better than middle ground brass brands (Federal, Remington, Winchester, Hornady, etc.).

I fire formed a box of standard Federal 280 Remington when I sighted the gun in and then I annealed the case necks before I sized them and its honestly better quality than the Nosler is.
I would just get some Norma 280 brass, fireform it and be done with it. I dont believe nosler brass is worth the price any cartridge