Nosler Brass


Jun 10, 2011
I'm needing some new brass for my 7mm Rem. Mag. Anyone using Nosler brass, how does it compare to Norma brass? Lapua supposed to be top of the line but don't make it for the 7mm Rem. They used to sell it but it was mfg. by Norma for them. Curious about Nosler since I never used any of it.
The Nosler brass is great if you don't plan on pushing the upper limits. Maybe I'm loading hotter than I think I am, but when I load it warm I don't get much case life life I do with the same load in some winchester brass. The loads that are not being pushed seem to last a long time.

Its good stuff.
have you ever checked case capacity (water) versus you Win brass? I bet the Nosler is less, and you might be pushing some pretty good pressures.
I load for accuracy only & I don't even get the chrony out until I have my accuracy load done. Been loading 68 gr. RL22 behind 140 gr. Barnes TTSX for quite a while now. M/V is 3166 through the factory Remington 700 24" bbl. Barrel and receiver was cryo'ed many years ago. Shoots 3 shots 3/8" @ 100. All my old brass is Federal and has been loaded 6 or 7 times. I don't believe that is pushing it to the upper limits, don't see any pressure signs.

So tell me what your brass preference is.
Nosler brass is very nice. It is preped and ready to to.
I think you will like it. Just remember to drop down a grain or two and work up.

I agree with the others. Nosler Brass is very nice. I am using it in the 338WM and 264WM and it is holding up excellent. It is of different capacity that WW cases, so it took a little learning to figure that out, but once I did, it is lasting excellent. Scotty
Buy the Nosler brass. You will appreciate the convenience packaged with the brass. The savings in initial prep time is a bonus. The weight sorted brass lends accuracy to your hand loading efforts. The brass will last as long or longer than other brands of brass if you don't try to load them hot.
Thanks for the help guys, I'm going to buy some on my next visit to Cabela's.
The nosler brass that I have been shooting out of my .243 with the 55 BT has lasted four firings so far and I don't think I have had to trim it once yet. I HATE BRASS PREP! So it is very nice to get brass that is ready to go!
A friend of mine GB300wm really likes the Nosler brass for the 300Win Mag. I will have to try some in the near future. I used some for my 30-06.