Nosler vs Remington 25-06 Brass


Jun 5, 2011
I'm in the process of rebuilding an old 30-06 into a 25-06. Some time ago I purchased some Nosler 25-06 brass. My mother-in-law gave me a gift card to Bass Pro for Christmas, so I got some Remington 25-06 brass with it.

I've been working quite a bit on the Rem brass. Flash hole deburring, primer pocket uniforming, deburring/chamfering the mouth, sorting for neck thickness, and neck turning to clean up 75% of the necks. I have the brass about as perfect as I can get it unfired. Concentricity deviation measured in the middle of the neck is normally about 0.002 off, some better, some worse.

I hadn't touched the Nosler brass until last night. I spun some on the neck thickness gauge, and I am not sure I will turn the necks, as they are essentially as good as the Rem brass (most within 0.001). Then I spun some on the concentricity gauge, and separated 30 pieces in about 8 minutes this morning that have concentricity deviation (meaured in the middle of the neck again) less than 0.001, unfired brass. That's pretty outstanding quality brass.

The Nosler brass is double the price of the Rem brass. But even with all the work I can't make the Rem brass as good as the Nosler brass. Nice work Nosler!
The Nosler brass is nice.
It is ready to load right out of the box.
Make sure you drop the charge when going from Remington to Nosler brass.

Ihave to agree with JD and Mike. Nosler brass is good stuff. I shoot a lot of them, when you can get it now. Even my blackout gets Nosler brass that I made from their 223 brass.
You know what my problem with Nosler and Lapua brass is?

I never want to use it. It's so perfect, shiny and awesome, I tend to just use my win/rem brass because it's 'disposable'. For some dumb reason, I always want to save it for something... like a big hunt, or a match, or something fun.

Yes, it's absolutely ridiculous.
AzDak42":qm5120ks said:
You know what my problem with Nosler and Lapua brass is?

I never want to use it. It's so perfect, shiny and awesome, I tend to just use my win/rem brass because it's 'disposable'. For some dumb reason, I always want to save it for something... like a big hunt, or a match, or something fun.

Yes, it's absolutely ridiculous.

Who was digging through the snow in -5 degree weather, looking for a spent piece of Lapua brass freshly ejected from a bolt action, instead of diligently watching the hit cow elk? Yep, that was me.

I mean, I saw her react to the hit, right? Everything looked good. And I kept looking up to catch glimpses. Right?

Yeah, I should have written off that piece of brass. I never did find it.

Then I lost one after firing from a treestand last year also. I definitely need to work up a load with Win / Rem brass for hunting season so I stop worrying about my Lapua brass!
joelkdouglas":3fipk4sf said:
AzDak42":3fipk4sf said:
You know what my problem with Nosler and Lapua brass is?

I never want to use it. It's so perfect, shiny and awesome, I tend to just use my win/rem brass because it's 'disposable'. For some dumb reason, I always want to save it for something... like a big hunt, or a match, or something fun.

Yes, it's absolutely ridiculous.

Who was digging through the snow in -5 degree weather, looking for a spent piece of Lapua brass freshly ejected from a bolt action, instead of diligently watching the hit cow elk? Yep, that was me.

I mean, I saw her react to the hit, right? Everything looked good. And I kept looking up to catch glimpses. Right?

Yeah, I should have written off that piece of brass. I never did find it.

Then I lost one after firing from a treestand last year also. I definitely need to work up a load with Win / Rem brass for hunting season so I stop worrying about my Lapua brass!

Way too funny! I confess that I've spend precious time looking for brass following ejection. I even do that on occasion when the brass is relatively cheap and easy to find. :shock:
Right now I've got Nosler,Remington and Winchester Brass for my 7mmRem. Mag and I'm using the Nosler brass with 160 grain Barnes TSX to deer hunt with. The Rem. and Win. Brass I'm going to use to shoot at the range. I've got 400 more Nosler brass that I'm going to use later with 200 CT Silvertips at 150 grain and also 200 Nosler 150 grain BT 2nds all in my 7Mag. So far I've loaded about 120 nosler 2nd shells and haven't had any trouble out of them. Good Stuff. I'm going to buy some more later on. Have ba good day.

7mm's Forever and a 30 cal. will "Slam Dunk Um"
I would like to get Nosler 280 AI brass but it is rare in this part of the country.
But I am going to try to find some :). If I can get 100 to 150 pieces I should be set for
a long time!

I use Nosler for hunting and Lapua for target. I don't know why but I baby the Lapua brass far more than I do the Nosler brass. I know they both can take some abuse except the two Lapua pieces and one Nosler piece that I lost to insufficient lubing, totally my fault.

My current lot of Lapua is on it's 8th loading and going strong.
I don't feel alone. I thought I was the only one who does that. Got to find the brass....
G'Day Fella's,

I've never heard a bad word about the Nosler cartridge brass but who actually makes it for Nosler?
Rumor has it, that it's Federal???

Is there anybody from a Certain Section of this forum, that would be willing to clear that up for us!
Nah, just kiddin, keep up the Great Work!!!

I think there are a few companys that make it for Nosler.
I asked once and they were very non-commital about it.
I have had excellent luck with Nosler 338 and 264 Win Mag brass. Can't wear it out. Did get a funny batch for the 264, but once I sorted it out, it is EXCELLENT!
AzDak42":31cratb1 said:
You know what my problem with Nosler and Lapua brass is?

I never want to use it. It's so perfect, shiny and awesome, I tend to just use my win/rem brass because it's 'disposable'. For some dumb reason, I always want to save it for something... like a big hunt, or a match, or something fun.

Yes, it's absolutely ridiculous.

I know what you mean. I thought I was the only one as OCD about my brass as I am. Looks like there are others. But thats why this is a great forum. Its like church, AA, Elks Club, and a high school reunion all in one. :)
filmjunkie4ever":i3sz06jj said:
I know what you mean. I thought I was the only one as OCD about my brass as I am. Looks like there are others. But thats why this is a great forum. Its like church, AA, Elks Club, and a high school reunion all in one. :)

Now, that is just spooky! :shock: I slavishly guard my Norma brass, using it only for a single load development and then loading for hunting.
I can tell you that I ran 25 Norma brass, .340 Weatherby cases against 25 Nosler cases and the mean weight and standard deviation were the same for both groups of headstamped cases. I am convinced that the .340 Weatherby Nosler cases are made by Norma