Objective sizes

The utility of a 50mm scope will depend on your hunting style and location. If you're largely a stand hunter in forested areas you'll like them for the low light capability. Our European brethren tend to shoot huge objective lenses and hunt in what we'd call full dark...

If you mainly hunt the great wide open in Northern latitudes they are of questionable value.

As a dedicated mountain hunter I have little use for them and tend to gravitate toward 32 and 36mm objectives- even my 40 seems too bulky at times.…in good scopes they gather all the light I can feasibly use and I can tuck them well out of the way on the rifle.
I am/was basically a mountain hunter to in the Rockies mostly. There are times when the weather is bad and clouds are moving into the area where you are shooting, that a good scope with lots of light gathering can be a good thing for digging out horns out of the haze. Particularly, on north slopes, late in the afternoon.

Just bathroom material above :lol:
I hardly go over 44MM myself but some of the newer top shelf Optiks only come in larger diameter objectives but some of them do come in the 44 MM and if you install the rings you feel comfortable with as in proper cheek weld but some of the manufacturers have went kinda large with them and I am not sure why someone would need a 76 MM objective? I like to keep them low as bell to barrel clearance can look awkward if they set up too high and I always buy rings local if at all possible!
As hunters buy larger power scopes with 44mm objectives, they get into issues with smaller exit pupils which cause eye strain using scopes that have under 5mm exit pupils. As a person gets older they can't stretch their pupils as much and the issue is relieved somewhat.

I have scopes ranging from 20mm to 50mm objectives. I have (2) 50mm objectives mounted on custom rifles. All of my other scopes for normal hunting range from 32mm to 44mm. The 42 and 44mm objectives seem to be the best compromise for me as well on most of my rifles. Locally it is hard to get good quality rings and mounts the work well on my outliers. I mostly use low TPS aluminum rings which will mount a 44mm objective with plenty of clearance.