Just received my OHA newsletter-Weyerhaeuser will start charging a fee to hunt on their property this year in Oregon.Here in Clatsop County they used to own just about all the forest land.
I'm surprised it took them so long, primarily this is a response do to irresponsible people running amuck on their properties. I really bitched when Hancock did the same thing but the fee is reasonable and there are far fewer knuckleheads running around. Hancock has also hired off duty LEO to patrol their ground, so I'm told. Again helps keep the knuckleheads away and I'm ok with that.
In Washington they are charging $250, for an annual pass. I really do't have an issue, if they patrol, and offer reasonable fees. As Guy said, the private timber companies own millions of acres in the NW, and mostly all they get is a hard time for supplying wood products, and jobs for thousands here.
Most private timber lands here in the west began in the 19th century as railroad lands. Every other section (square mile) of public land along proposed rail routes was given to RR companies as a way to encourage and support rail expansion.
Today, many of these lines have been abandoned, so the companies shifted their business plan from one of rail to real estate and commercial wood products. Here in Montana, former rail companies have become the largest real estate operation in the state - at least in the western half of the state. I try not to think about it too much.