Pics of some tough shooting


Oct 10, 2004
Well I could not wait any longer to get out with the 7m-08 that I got back this week from Hill Country Rifle. This rifle was a consistent 1.25" and worse shooter so when I got it back with their target that showed an under .5" group I was real happy.

Course the weather today was just what I should have expected. 15-20 mph cross wind and lots of rain. Obviously they are better shooters than I am...but my excuse is that they shoot in an underground 100 yd range and I shoot in the open U.P :lol:



Danny our Cocker says "THATS ALL FOLKS"

Nice shooting! You are all set. Just take the dog out for a nice walk and wait for 11/15. :lol:

Wind or not, that'll work for deer. Some fine targets you posted there. I would guess that your family would object if that last target were actually shot at. :lol:
I think posting the pics was harder than the shooting.. :lol:

Of course I shot some groups with other loads also but these were the better ones. After shooting I lightened my trigger as I think HCR adjusted it heavier than I'd had it. Also, with my eyes, using my new Leupold 2.5x8x32 in this weather was not helpful. So a Zeiss Conquest is in the future....somewhere. But I think as I shoot it more I should be able to hover around the 1/2" mark. As of now I am happy but not thrilled with my groups. Course with better weather better groups may come.

One thing that was interesting was that before the accurizing the Rem Coreloks had shot groups around 2". The improvement afterwards was remarkable.....But Accubonds will be what I go with as they showed good potential. The 120 BT's not so much.

Hill Country did really nice work. I pulled the action to adjust the trigger and their glass bedding and aluminum pillers were a thing of beauty. The re-crowning was well done also.

Very Nice shooting! You truly are good to go.
If you don't mind me asking, what does a Hill country rifle job cost? I have had several people have similar results from them.
It depends on the rifle caliber...and they don't work on Kimbers. If you look on their site it will tell you all about the prices and what they do. They also offer other services.

Mine was $395.00 plus shipping. Was it worth it for 1/2" - 3/4" was to me. I can't sleep well when my loads don't shoot out of one of my rifles to my satisfaction. I am not annal about most things but it drives me nuts with my reloads and my rifles. So I figured out what I would lose selling a new rifle vs. HCR accuizing and I went with them. There are probably cheaper gunsmiths out there, but HCR guarantees accuracy and they shoot your rifle etc....if they can't improve accuracy to MOA you don't pay the whole thing. It is all on their site.
