Pinks are running


Nov 28, 2018
So there is one advantage about being stuck on this camp job, fishing has been decent....the other day we took the afternoon off to celebrate one of our engineers 25th birthday, when we started said he had to hook into 25 for his birthday, well he bettered that in under 4 hours. Here are just a few photos from our different outings. And boy i tell you it is a whole new experience fishing with Grizzlies around.


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I always enjoyed bring a few pinks to hand. I do miss being on a coastal stream holding a good run of steelhead, coho, sockeye, pinks, chinook and/or chum. Then, there are always dolly vardens and cutthroats pretty much year round. You've don't well.
Nice, Kemano River I assume. Pinks are probably the most aggressive of the salmon species when it comes to biting a hook, lots of fun on lighter tackle for sure. Ton's of grizzlies in there as you found out which makes things interesting :lol: You'll probably see the first coho's in a few weeks and they should be running September and October pretty thick. They are a lot of fun too and of course run larger.
yes it is the Kemano river, last rotation a guy brought in some lighter gear which is fun. If you look about half way up the rod in the hard hat photo you can see a grizz crossing the river, young one but still big enough to push us out lol. there are a few bigger ones around tho