pondering on a new rifle


Dec 14, 2008
Just what the title says. I'm hankerin' for a new toy (even though I should be looking at a new safe). It's getting kinda hard to find holes that need to be filled... my thoughts are:
1. A heavy barreled bolt action in .204 (most likely) or .223.
2. A .300 RUM M700 SPS or SPS-SS or ADL-SS
3. A WSM of some sort - Howa or Weatherby Vanguard if I can find one
4. What I'm leaning towards, a Ruger African in .375 Ruger, or
4a. An M70 Super Express in .375 H&H
5. A Marlin Cowboy .45-70 (dang you Pop!)
6. I guess I could just wait for the 700CDL-SF in 6mm to come out.
7. Ruger Number 1 .300 H&H
As I said, I'm pretty well covered with deer/elk rifles, and I have an HB .220 Swift Ruger. My biggest gun is a .35 Whelen. So I guess one of the .375s would make the most sense.

Of course, I could probably be pretty close to the cost of #2 and #3 with one of the big boomers.

I guess I'm looking for opinions and/or a nudge one way or another.
Howa 1500 .375 375 Ruger 24" BL/Hogue Green NEW!

Can not beat it for the $500.00 ....and they shoot!

http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewIt ... =203905776


I am in the same boat I got about 1000 bucks in gun money and not sure how I want to spend it.

I was gunna build an AR but its really not my style.

My 204 is starting to bug me for coyotes so I am thinking about a 243?

but that special run from grice in 6mm is calling me

I should buy some stocks and do some other things but thats not as much fun
This one? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Well if ur sellin that 25-06 it changes everything
But iwas leaning towrds the classic styled one with the twp stocks
I really like how those classics carry
That's pretty interesting, Pop, but I'd have to change the stock out eventually, as I'm not a big fan of the Hogue stock.

Not that dropping it into a McSwirley or a McFlame would be a bad thing...

Nitis, are you thinking about a sporter or a heavy barrel job?
I would go with the M70 Super Express 375! That is a very nice looking rifle and man, it handles nicely. I know that is probably the 375 I will get when the time comes. The Ruger Alaskan would be next in line. Scotty
BK":mq64th4g said:
Just what the title says. I'm hankerin' for a new toy (even though I should be looking at a new safe). It's getting kinda hard to find holes that need to be filled... my thoughts are:
6. I guess I could just wait for the 700CDL-SF in 6mm to come out.
7. Ruger Number 1 .300 H&H
I guess I'm looking for opinions and/or a nudge one way or another.

6mm CDL - SF January 1st brother!! I'm trying to save up to get one for myself, but maybe I can do some shopping therapy through you BK and have just as enjoyment out of it without spending the $$$$, almost! :mrgreen: :grin: :shock:

Maybe next year Nosler will come out with the 300 H&H in their custom limited edition Model 48 to celebrate John Nosler's life! I mentioned that previously and they were going to through it around and at the Nosler plant. Now BK who about one of those in a 300 H&H :?: Am I helping you out there with your RADD disease? :twisted:
That would be tough to pass up a 300 H&H! I might even by one if it was chambered in a Remington! Scotty
Yeah, after missing out on a limited run of .300H&H M70s around 10 years ago, I have decided that whenever I see or hear about a new Holland's Super .30, I'm buying it. Even if the Nosler rifles are a bit out of my price range.

Sounds like I've just about decided on the first .375 I come across. And that should leave me just enough time to save for the 6mm. :twisted:
Sportsmans here in Denver has the M700 ADL SS ( package with scope ) on sale right now for $429.00 limited to
stock on hand. The .300RUM was in there.
Well I have a 375 R and love it. I don't shoot it much because its not alot of fun to shoot, but it is sure fun to shoot things with. With that said, I think I would be a huge fan of the 6mm as well.
POP what kinda blue stock is that??? I LIKE IT A LOT! Want one with Red instead of blue to go on my 264 maybe. I love a good laminated stock...
try stockys they got every color you can think of!

Speaking of those ADLs if you live anywhere where there is a CAL ranch those ADL combos sell as cheap as 369!
Well, I checked my most used gun pusher, and it seems like the Winchester .375s are on backorder from Winchester. So, naturally, being the patient guy that I am, bought a .270 and an '06 Remington ADL SS that were marked down at one of the big chains. Never actually owned either chambering. My uncle loaned me a .270, and my dad has an original Springfield. Looks like I need to buy more dies, for the .270. I already have .30-06 dies. Something tells me that the .270 is going to end up as something a little offbeat, like a 6.5-06 or .280AI.
Man, BK, you are my hero! You buy scopes even before you buy dies, then you get the rifle. Man, my wife would never let us be friends! 270 and 30-06 are pretty cool cartridges. It is hard to have this ailment where you can justify just about any cartridge! Scotty
Three words my man, Separate Checking Accounts!

Just kidding. I get a fair amount of per diem from working out of town so much, and whatever is left over is toy money.
Same here buddy. I guess I do the same, but other stuff seems to happen when I have a few extra bucks for my rifle addiction! Scotty