Poor Quality Control


Sep 6, 2024
I usually do not complain as I know we live in a non perfect world and quality control has lately gone out the window. However, have to speak on the terrible quality control and customer care from Nosler within the past year or so. Photo attached just for a example of one issue with this rather expensive ammunition labeled "Custom" or "Match Grade" above all..I purchased 500 Rounds of their match ammo around 10 years ago mainly so I could later reload with the "at the time" excellent brass after fire formed in. my bolt gun..Flawless performance and no issue what's so ever with chambering or anything..In a hurry for a varmint hunt without any reloads yet I purchased 10 boxes of the Varmageddon .223 at a hefty price tag but who cares as it was more brass to reload with..To my surprise not one round would chamber in the gun. Returning home after getting screwed here I checked everything out thinking it may have been the gun, Had a few rounds of the older Nosler match, ran it through the gun without issues. Measured the recent batch and found it to be as much as 4-5 thousands wider in diameter at the body..After calling indicating the issue oof cause they wanted the ammo and would send me a replacement..All this waiting, sending, receiving replacement ammo only to face the same issue with their replacement!...Later on this year purchased new 10 boxes of "Nosler Custom" .223 at a show figuring the chances of that previous issue rearing its ugly head was probably slim and I gave Nosler the benefit of the doubt wanting to believe it as just a batch issue...Regardless get the batch home and not only will this ammo not chamber but several rounds had the primers "PRESSED IN BACKWARDS"!...I cannot trust this brand any longer after experiencing and seeing this issue several times..I have come to the conclusion my favorite ammunition company has a serious "Quality Control" issue and I am done with them...I have also read throughout other forums others had the same issue...See the pic of just one of many "Custom Match" cartridges I received...Pethetic....


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Sorry to here of the issues you have experienced. Did you reach out to Nosler Customer Service?

Wow! Does Nosler offer any explanation?
The first and only conversation about a year ago with their rep and I cannot remember who; was he was concerned and would replace the ammo which they did, but said nothing has changed in relation to manufacturing. Regardless of the question of why does old ammo chamber and new ammo does not the answer was they had always made this to the same spec which is not or it would chamber..Is it possible pumping out double the amount of ammo to satisfy demand may cause equipment to wear??Probably but who's in charge of Quality control???
Sorry to here of the issues you have experienced. Did you reach out to Nosler Customer Service?

Yes I did last year when the initial incident occurred and they were cooperative, but this last issue with pressed in backwards primers and cartridges which don't chamber led me to endure about 3 minutes of advertisements over the phone only to get a recording saying nobody is available and leave a message..So I did leave a message of what I feel is something they will not forget..Im not going through any buy back or sending in anything anymore just let them know how they are letting their customers down and to me Nosler is poor quality..I used to make sure all my brass was Nosler in the past when I would fire form and blueprint rounds for my 6-284 which was always excellent..These 2 experiences happened with in 12 months...Maybe AR owners with sloppy chambers may not give rise to the specs except of course backwards primers...I ran a couple live rounds partially (3/4 of the way into) through a body die which is not really the best idea and afterwards they chamber but where tight going in and lubed up good...So I'll keep them for the brass after firing I guess...
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I wonder if any of the Nosler staff inspected and make sure the rounds passed compliance before boxing them.
I wonder if any of the Nosler staff inspected and make sure the rounds passed compliance before boxing them.
My guess is ,no...I really don't see how that's possible when a ammo manufacturer is pumping out maximum volume to keep up with demand and what I'm guessing is probably less enthusiastic employees this is the result..I know many are going to say they have never had issues and so would I right up until I had these...No problem I'm a man who shoots to reload instead of reloading to shoot but I do like to shoot without reloading till then....
I thought I would add a couple more pics..Both diameters measured at the same height on the case with a dial caliper resting on top of a precision ground bar because the cases are of course tapered..The photo of the orange Nosler ballistic tip "custom match" bought approximately 2016 is as you can see several thousandths smaller at the same portion point of the case as the recently purchased Nosler "hollow point custom match" cartridge this year..Also a pic of one the black ballistic tip Varmageddon cartridges purchased last year which are all the same (10 boxes) which were sent back to me as replacements from Nosler.. Just so as to show I'm not off my rocker here and headspace was no issue but clearly a case diameter issue. After smoking the cases and using a marker they clearly showed the witness marks mid point of the case..I find it hard to believe someone else out there did not have a issue such as this...


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Nosler is too enamored with getting their name on cartridges and building rifles and cans.

They should dance with who brought them to the dance. That’s the guys and gals that buy ammunition and reload.

Nosler is too enamored with getting their name on cartridges and building rifles and cans.

They should dance with who brought them to the dance. That’s the guys and gals that buy ammunition and reload.

Next, the brass will be made in China if it doesn't come from there already...