Prayers needed.

I can't believe how many big wildfires there are in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The smoke must be terrible. We had a large wildfire burn several miles away from us earlier this summer and the canyon where we live filled with smoke off and on for several days.
The smoke has been very bad this summer and in the case of Oregon we had eclipsed our prior record for acres burned by mid July. Several of the biggest ones will be hot until we get snow. That country south of Filmjunky is very rough ground. A lot of that they just had to let burn the thing blew up so fast. On the news tonight the state is Focused on that fire and pulling resources from other areas to try and hold it.
My prayers are with you Dale and your friends. Fighting forest fires is dangerous and scary. I had a squad of men fighting a fire in southern Virginia at Fort AP Hill back in the 70's. The wind shifted on us and we were trapped. Had to dig in and bury ourselves since it was going to overrun us. I made sure everyone was well covered before I buried myself in the ground. We got lucky and only received some minor burns. That was the longest 20 minutes (estimate) of our lives. It's amazing what you can do with an entrenching tool, poncho, gas mask and a couple of canteens of water.

My Daughter, who is a retired Professional Fireman, volunteered to fight a forest fire in Colorado when she first got out of the fire academy and found out really quick what it was like to have the wind shift on you when fighting a forest fire, she had her bottom burned while trying to outrun a fire when the wind shifted. There were several of her crew who suffered similar burns and managed to make it to a stream before it over ran them.
All the training she had received didn't prepare her for what happened. They all were very lucky to have survived.
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I was on a fire crew, summer of 74, best shape of my life, partial ride in wrestling, ran the mile in the low 4s; benched 325; weighed 155; did 29 chin-ups with less than 3% body fat for my air force academy physical. The first fire I was on was near where Dale is now. By the end of the second day with high winds I realized this shit could kill me. I wasn’t convinced I was tough enough to get the hell out of the way if we got caught in a canyon. Went to logging after that to get through school. The most recent update I have shows the fire jumped the line headed toward Dales place.


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I was on a fire crew, summer of 74, best shape of my life, partial ride in wrestling, ran the mile in the low 4s; benched 325; weighed 155; did 29 chin-ups with less than 3% body fat for my air force academy physical. The first fire I was on was near where Dale is now. By the end of the second day with high winds I realized this shit could kill me. I wasn’t convinced I was tough enough to get the hell out of the way if we got caught in a canyon. Went to logging after that to get through school. The most recent update I have shows the fire jumped the line headed toward Dales place.
Prayers for Dale and the others having to deal with this.

Wow, I am blown away by the love and support in this thread. This is the first time I have logged on to Nosler forum in nearly two weeks.

Your prayers and mine were answered. Although the Rail Ridge fire is still largely undercontained, we had some good rains come in yesterday and today. Dayville, my hometown has been downgraded to a Level 2, from Level 3 Evac. Although there is still much burning out in the forests and rangeland, we are going to be okay here in town.

Thank you all so much for your prayers, thoughts and comments. Another reason why this is the BEST forum on the internet.
Glad your neighbors, the firefighters and you were successful protecting the town and your homes along with the Gods help bringing rain.
Thankfully our prayers helped and will continue to help until the fire is fully contained. Stay safe!
Wow, I am blown away by the love and support in this thread. This is the first time I have logged on to Nosler forum in nearly two weeks.

Your prayers and mine were answered. Although the Rail Ridge fire is still largely undercontained, we had some good rains come in yesterday and today. Dayville, my hometown has been downgraded to a Level 2, from Level 3 Evac. Although there is still much burning out in the forests and rangeland, we are going to be okay here in town.

Thank you all so much for your prayers, thoughts and comments. Another reason why this is the BEST forum on the internet.
Just glad you’re OK.
